Georgetown Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

honestly I don’t want to go to Georgetown anymore


Oh gosh…ig it makes sense that they were so frantic when I called in? This sucks lol

I also called and they put me on hold for an an hour and a half! This is ridiculous!!

I just wish they would officially announce this instead of relaying it through counselors. Not a good look from Georgetown, especially if they have known for a while that decisions will be delayed. Today was the day predicted by many for decisions to come out based on past trends, so it’s very frustrating that they neglected to tell ANYONE until tonight (let alone just some guidance counselors at likely catholic/feeder schools). Not impressed.


you have got to be kidding me. This is extremely unprofessional of them and now we have to wait a whole week? this isn’t fair to any of us


bruh I wish georgetown used their instagram account for admissions :sob:

I wish they would communicate with us at all. Even a telegram or some smoke signals would be nice


no genuinely, the lack of communication is so bothersome to be honest

my friends that attend says that it’s still a problem even while there, like they get no updates from the university and it’s super frustrating

Well, that sounds right. The spell has been broken for me…obviously I still want to get into Georgetown and go there, but this whole situation is really disappointing. I’m seeing the school in a bit of a different light now, which is good. No school is perfect.

please i already have had a lack of communication in my previous relationships, i dont want this with my potential future university too ;-;


Does anyone not have it

hey everyone! some new info from my friends that attend gtown, they said everything is normal and opening on campus so they don’t know why the admissions office would close because of covid.

they’re going in the morning to check in person so I’ll let you know then! : )


you’re a homie ong thank you :sob:

is this really true about dec 20?? plz let us know… thx so much

I just asked my school counsellor if she had heard anything about a delay in decisions from Georgetown and she said no. Don’t think Georgetown would just let some counsellors know and not others so I think decisions will still come out by the 15th


just called the admissons office. results come out on the 15th by 7:00pm EST. next 48 hours about to be the most stressful times of my life

omg thank you sm

On Dec 15 or By Dec 15??

It will be on December 15th. I called admissions and it is confirmed. The posts above who made up story about counselors telling them something else will be asked to be removed as that is causing more anxiety to parents and kids at this time . Making up stories for attention during this time is an awful and unethical thing to do . Shame on you . To everyone who is honest - Dec 15 is the day . Good luck . !


thank you sm!