Georgetown Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Does anyone know the accepted student revisit date?

Weekend of March 18 for EA students I believe.

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I would make sure your travel plans are refundable. Georgetown will cancel in-person events, including classes whenever they can. Everything looks great on GU’s website, but in reality, students are required to sit 6 feet apart in the library. Masks are required everywhere. Everyone is vaccinated and they are not allowed to take a sip of water anywhere on campus except in their own dorm rooms. Classes are online at least until January 31. Dorms are moldy and the university blames staff shortages and covid. Leadership is failing this university.


Hello all, for those who got deferred for regular decision and writing LOCI, can someone pls confirm the email address to which LOCI should be sent? Thanks

Was this ever confirmed? I don’t think my son (admitted for fall 2022) ever received notice of the weekend for admitted students. He is international, would that matter? Thanks

They posted it on the Facebook page!

facebook page for admitted students

Thank you. I will go look for that!

My DD’s admission letter said there would be an Admitted Student weekend Mar 18-19 and more information would be forthcoming. Has anyone received additional details?

We found the initial admission email mentioning it, but haven’t received any more details.

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.crickets only


Georgetown must have been lurking here. My DD received an email yesterday with the Open House details.

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Ha! I was thinking the same thing.

We are hoping to sign up for a GAAP weekend in April that will coincide with school holiday (since we live in Brazil and it’s a long trip). We haven’t heard back from GAAP about dates for April weekend(s) or whether we can do this. Is anyone else in a similar situation?

Yes. My child cannot attend in March. I hope this helps:

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Thank you! Where did you find that?

Instagram: georgetowngaap

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Is it in-person?

Open House? YES, in person.

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Washington, DC recently removed their indoor mask requirements for most places, including universities. Georgetown is still requiring masks, so unless the university announces that they have changed that policy, make sure you bring KN95 or N95 masks with you to the admitted student weekend.