Georgetown Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Yup. I think the three schools I would CONSIDER over Georgetown are Princeton, Stanford, and Yale (if I somehow get in to any of those), but I’m basically set on Georgetown it i get in

I love all three of Georgetown, GW, and American for different reasons, and I’m glad there are so many great options in DC (esp because American and GW are a bit easier to get into)


Lol you have the same mindset as me

That’s understandable, the schools that are equal or slightly higher than Georgetown to me on my list are UC Berkeley, UCLA, WashU, and Harvard if I got into any of them but college admissions is so random so we shall see

I was considering applying to the UCs too, but I was lacking some of their course requirements and decided that it just wasn’t worth it (especially since they’re test blind now). Loved UCLA when I visited, though.

They lost mine

yeah she definitely did, interviewers aren’t supposed to let it go that long

i mean it depends on financial aid; but the only schools which would give me more than gtown would be yale i think, but honestly idc i want to go to gtown so much i’d take it over any school

I live in California so I feel that the UC’s were easy to apply to! Top schools would be Georgetown, Columbia, Yale, UC Berkeley, or UCLA

Yo we do be applying to the same schools that’s dope :eyes:

i think everyone applied to the same schools this year, i know manyy people in my school applied to boston uni, boston college, northeastern, and fordham

interestingly, I don’t know a single other person at my school who is applying to REA to Georgetown. A buuuunch of people are doing Stanford lol

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oh so many are doing stanford and mit, i only know 3 other people who applied to georgetown from my school

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I only know of one other person who might apply to Georgetown RD. Hoping it’s a good sign for me because GU does tend to accept at least one person from my school every year even though we’re not Catholic(the scattergram on Naviance looks quite nice)

oh we don’t use naviance, georgetown doesn’t usually accept people from my school. it’s only been one person last year and two the year before, i hope i stand out though

I’m the only one from my school applying to georgetown since the majority of my classmates applied to in state schools in california and it’s really only me and like 15% of the class that is open to going out of state so I’m hoping it works out for the best

Any updates on when decisions come out? Still the 15th?

I think that’s still their plan, but I’m going to start really keeping my eye out on Sunday because that’s when they released last year (the Sunday before the Wednesday when they said they were releasing decisions)

How many of you submitted a resume?

I did!