Georgetown essays

<p>So this may be incredibly dense, but does Georgetown expect you to write your essays in one sitting, without prior knowledge of what the essays are about?</p>

<p>Its instructions are:
Since you will not be able save the form, you will need to complete the Application Part II in one sitting. Thus, we recommend that you:</p>

<pre><code>* Complete your essays in some type of word processing program and copy and paste them into the spaces provided.
* As you complete each page of the Application Part II, you should print a copy of the page to review and also for your records. If you submit the form without printing it first, we will not be able to provide you with a copy.

<p>So, it's basically... timed? Once I click the part II button, I sit there and write whatever's thrown at me? I won't have a chance to get it peer edited or anything?</p>

<p>Thanks for your help, sorry if this is a dumb question!</p>

<p>Well i didn't do the georgetown application online, but i've done others, and no its not timed. what you should do is write the essays, have them edited, then copy and paste the final draft into the space provided.</p>

<p>Great, thanks so much!</p>