Georgetown McDonough vs. Cornell Dyson

I was accepted to both programs- and although I feel incredibly lucky, I am having a hard time deciding. I plan to pursue international business with a concentration in marketing. Both options seem incredible. I love the location of gtown but cornell is closer to home/an easier commute. Gtown has an amazing foreign policy program I would take advantage of but cornell is ranked higher for the overall undergrad program and the university as a whole, plus it would leave me more space to explore my interests. I’m also having a hard time with the thought of turning away from an Ivy, with the broad alumni network and name value of the school. Cornell has been my dream and I only recently fell in love with gtown but now I love them both. If anyone has any insight at all I would greatly appreciate it so much!!!

What area of business are you interested in? Cost for both?

If you are looking to do Investment Banking, then Cornell would have the edge.

Looking into international business (with a focus in China) with a concentration in marketing/management. I hope to do something like multinational marketing or cross-cultural management someday. But yeah, definitely marketing or like business strategy, not investment banking or finance.

Both schools were very generous with financial aid, so that is unfortunately not a deciding factor…