<p>Hey Im New to CC and I was wondering if I could get some college admission advice and a chance for Georgetown MSB. </p>
<p>GPA: 91.8 unwieghted (average @ my school this year is 90.5)
No Class Rankings
Senior Year Courses: AP Lit, Multivariable Calc, AP Physics E&M, AP Euro
AP Scores: Calc BC (5), Chem (3), Physics C Mech (4)
June SAT: 640CR 710M 720W 11E (2070)
October SAT: 650CR 750M 790W 10E (2190)
November Subjects Tests: 800Math2 630Physics 570Lit
(very minimal prep for SATs, zero prep for Subject Tests)</p>
<p>Last test date that Georgetown accepts is January, December deadline has passed. So should i retake Subject Tests (I can improve physics to 750+ and Lit to maybe 700+) or Reasoning Test (I can improve CR to 700+; i ordered my QAS and about 10 of the 12 i got wrong on CR were easy and can be attributed to stupidity/carelessness)?</p>
<p>Does Georgetown put more emphasis on subject tests or reasoning test?. Suppose that I can definitely bring my M+CR composite to (1500)+ should i just retake reasoning test or subject tests?</p>
<p>Solid ECs and Essays.
Honors: Certified Mechanical Drafter, Physics Olympiad Score: 12, AP Scholar so nothing
Hooks: First Generation
Ethnicity: Indian from NJ
Income: X<60,000</p>
<p>Any other suggestions for colleges and/or anything else would be greatly appreciated!</p>