<p>Hey, I'm new to the forum, and like all of you, have gone through the entire agonizing SAT, college app, waiting process. Choosing which college to attend has been really difficult, and I thought I'd already decided, but now find myself having second thoughts again. I can't visit any of these colleges so I would immensely appreciate any advice/suggestions... :)</p>
<p>Georgetown -- I got into the College but am thinking of transferring to the SFS. The thing is, people have been talking about int'l relations a whole lot, but I'm not exactly sure what it IS and if I want to major in it. I'm as undecided as you could possibly be: I like history/English/writing and want nothing to do with sciences/math, but that's about all I know. Some concerns: my mom said Georgetown could be limiting my career options, especially with SFS; I'm not sure if a big university would be best for me (I'm not the super-outgoing type) in terms of competition (not against other students) but like for professors' attention and resources.</p>
<p>Pomona -- can see myself being happy here; rated "happiest students" by Princeton Review which is very appealing, small LAC setting with other colleges around seems great, but I don't really want to be in California (I want to have more of the big city/big university experience in somewhere I've never been -- but is that good enough of a reason?). Also I don't want to be near family (they're by LA) -- I know I won't have to see them, but I don't even want to be geographically close to them. Pomona also may be broader and less limiting than Georgetown (?). Pomona I know I'll probably be happy at, and Georgetown I think will be scary at first. In short, I think Pomona's what I need and best for my personality, but Georgetown is what I want. I'm torn.</p>
<p>U Penn -- a generally great school but the 9000 undergrad and the 20,000 total number seems so huge. That's one of the reasons it's not on my list anymore (that and financial aid -- btw P and G are both giving good aid so it's not a major issue). But the thing is, if U Penn is too big for me, would Georgetown also be? (6000 undergrad, 12,000 total)</p>
<p>I have a few more hours to make my final decision, and there would be no going back. I'll spend 4 years there, and I don't like the idea of transferring because I'll probably be settled then and not want to leave. So I want to get it right the first time. It's between Georgetown and Pomona..please please post any suggestions or thoughts...I really appreciate it and thank you all beforehand.</p>
<p>It sickens me you are turning down Penn. Anyway, your mom told you that crap about Gtown screwing your career b/c she want's you to stay close by. Georgetown is a great place to go if you are worried about your career—you can go anywhere you want to grad school and a ton of top firms recruit on campus. I come from a h.s. w/ 2700 kids so 6,000 undergrads really doesn't scare me that much, I'm sure you could manage the size.</p>
<p>LOL. You think a HS with 2700 kids doesn't scare you? Try a HS with 5500. It's an easy transition for me.</p>
<p>Spoilsbury is right. Georgetown is a ** great ** university. Pomona.. I live about an hour away from Pomona. Pomona is a boring city. Despite the strength of the program at Pomona, it is DULL.</p>
<p>AFAIK, SFS is very difficult to transfer into, but a current GU student could shed more light about that.</p>
<p>AFAIK, SFS has graduates all over the world, including various FS stations. However, the Foreign Service isn't your only option. A parent here on CC, cheers, explained to me that SFS grads go all over the place. Go read my list on the UVa v. Georgetown thread to get a glimpse of the types of careers SFS grads go into.</p>
<p>hmm I saw Pomona and Gtown and loved both of them. If you're looking for that small LAC type thing with just a happy campus, I'd choose Pomona (was one of my top choices)! Go to Gtown if you are interested in international affairs etc. coz the opportunities available there for intnl relations are amazing. Basically, both are great schools, but it depends where you will feel comfortable. If you're just not going to georgetown because its out of your comfort zone, then rethink it, because university in so many ways, should be a whole new adventure. But if you just feel happy that you're oging to Pomona coz u feel you will fit in there and its the right place for you, then go there!</p>
<p>Thanks sooo much for all the input. Really means a lot :)</p>
<p>Still having doubts, but I'm leaning toward Georgetown. I want a completely new experience, away from things familiar. I know Pomona will be nice and happy and comfortable, and that's why I also think choosing Georgetown would be shooting myself in the foot. I'll have to actively seek out professors' help, take the initiative to approach and talk to people, and just compete with more people generally. I'm not sure if the bigger experience is right for me. Is it so important? Is it good to pick a bigger school because of the opportunities and etc. if it will probably be a hard transition? Some thoughts:</p>
Pros: SFS, location for internships (are they widely available for undergrads?), resources, big city life.
Cons: no grade inflation, no hand holding, TAs and other general big university cons.</p>
Pros: 5 college system, small LAC, "happiest students", weather
Cons: don't really want to be in California, Claremont small town, need a car to get around.</p>
<p>If you look at it like that, Pomona's "cons" revolve around its surroundings while Georgetown's are more aspects about the school itself. </p>
<p>I WANT Georgetown, but I think I NEED Pomona. Still have a while longer to decide..comments appreciated, as always :)</p>
<p>if bad comes to worse, you can go to pomona, get your feet wet in the college experience, and transfer to georgetown or some other college once you feel comfortable.</p>
<p>if you are super worried about the transition, you should go where you feel comfortable. You don't want to come and have a horrible experience first semester.</p>