Georgetown Personal Data form Part I

I'm trying to fill out Georgetown's Personal Data application form but have run into a bit of trouble. I am dual citizenship (American and another country) and am trying to fill this out on the form. However, the from only allows for one citizenship to be inserted. When my counselor e-mailed his contact there, they said that there was an obvious opening fro multi-citizenships. Having said that, it's either that I;m blind (because I can;t see any are to do so) or the guy (the contact) has no idea what he's talking about.
Can anyone offer any help or advice?</p>

<p>Thanks in advance</p>

<p>P.S. I personally e-mailed Georgetown and it's been 10 days without a response yet.</p>

<p>I suggest you call the admissions office directly. that type of answer woul need to come from the college itself</p>

<p>I’d say US citizen and then add your other joint citizenship in the part 2 application where there is room to add additional info. The US citizenship may be of benefit for financial aid, etc.</p>

<p>I don’t have the form in front of me, but i do remember there was a drop box right below religious preference that asked for citizenship. If you can’t declare both, make sure you put down you’re an American citizen. Though i doubt it would matter (on part 1 anyways), it doesn’t hurt to make sure you’re not mistakenly put with internationals.</p>