<p>this is mostly for current and previous to weigh in on their social experience at georgetown.
im going to be attending this fall, and i just wanna know about anything and everything lol. </p>
<p>-is gtown cliquey? do asians only hang out with asians, etc etc
-are there alot of parties? are they easy to get into? for freshman?
-where are the parties usually? since theres no frats, who throws the parties?
-how are the parties?
-do people drink alot? do they have sex alot? (i ask these because when i visited gtown i saw newsletters that cautioned about drinking too much and getting pregnant.. lol)
-of course basketball is big, but are any other sports big?
-do ppl go out to DC alot? or they usually stay on campus?
-i know when i visited cornell there were a couple of really nice community center buildings. are there any community places like that at gtown other than ICC?
-what else is there to do on campus?</p>
<p>really guys… nothing? lol</p>
<p>I think you’re not getting responses because you’ve asked too many, rather broad questions. It would just take too much time to answer all those questions. Also, some of your questions are just plain silly.</p>
<p>Try asking just a few very specific, serious questions.</p>
<p>lolol curiosity killed the cat…</p>
<p>They ARE serious questions. I can’t help that I have so many lol</p>
<li>Georgetown can be cliquey, but I’d say that most people are fairly friendly. A lot of Asians really do hang out with other Asians - at least internationals.</li>
<li>There are a lot of parties at Georgetown and they are pretty easy to get into for freshmen and generally free unless they are fundraiser parties ($5/cup).</li>
<li>Parties are usually in Village A, Henle, Village B, Nevils, or in townhouses off campus. There is a foreign service frat (and sorority) and also a community service one…and some unofficial ones.</li>
<li>Personally, I hate Georgetown parties because I compare them to the amazing large state school parties at the very high ranked party school I live near. Most people like them, but they are like high school parties to me…I don’t just like drinking and terrible music…but the good parties are fine, but they certainly aren’t above average.</li>
<li>People definitely do drink a lot, though there are people who don’t drink. Even in comparison to aforementioned large party school (where I live at home - in a frat neighborhood), people drink a comparable amount. I don’t think everyone has sex a lot - my close friends don’t, but a lot of people on my floor definitely do, and the people in the room above me did a lot…I don’t think most people have problems with drinking, but there are certainly some people who are destined to become alcoholic business(wo)men. And as far as getting pregnant, that’s because it’s a Catholic school
No sex before marriage, and if you do have sex you can’t use contraception because it goes against Catholic doctrine. It’s silly.</li>
<li>Football is absolutely pathetic, and most other sports aren’t really paid attention to unless you have friends who play them, but that’s not to say that they aren’t good.</li>
<li>I go out into the city a lot, but I feel like most people do stay on campus a lot.</li>
<li>ICC isn’t really even a community place, but Leavey Center is the (extremely lacking) student center.</li>
<li>There are tons of clubs…but I mean, there are always things to do.</li>
<p>Hopefully that helps…I’d answer more questions you have because I have nothing real to do for the next few weeks anyway.</p>
<p>thanks for all the help! just any more info on the parties would be nice i guess :)</p>
<p>I’m going to Georgetown next year and went to a party in Nevils over GAAP weekend.</p>
<p>A lot like a high school party, except more packed (literally - like sardines) and lots of more alcohol.</p>
<p>you were probably there for the Plan A protest or something… that was a random group that just popped up, it’s not even common for people to protest (ironically since we are in DC), but everyone was really embarrassed for the Plan A ppl, since they purposely picked a GAAP weekend, some ppl just don’t think things through… sigh…</p>