Georgetown University Early Action 2014

<p>A place for us to agonize!</p>

<p>I keep going back and forth…until 12/15!</p>

<p>Only a little over 3 weeks left to wait!</p>

<p>The wait is killing me! And I get the letter in the middle of my first semester exam week…ugh</p>

<p>How do you know if they received everything? Anyone get any type of letter?</p>

<p>I didn’t get a letter, collegesgirl</p>

<p>No letters, but you can call the office to check. I keep telling myself that I have no chance, and then that I have a really good chance. </p>



<p>I just looked at my essay (which I proofread!) and saw I’d spelled “too” as “to.”</p>

<p>I applied for linguistics.</p>

<p>In addition to that, my interview was so incredibly awkward.</p>

<p>I’m going to get rejected so hard. T_T</p>

<p>yes, 3 weeks from tuesday! ahhhh! we get the decision in the mail dec 15, right? </p>

<p>and i called the admission’s office to double check that everything was received. i actually got an e-mail right before i called that my test scores hadn’t been received, but i was given the opportunity to fax over official reports.</p>

<p>i’m so nervous!!!</p>

<p>not sure what i think about the idea that we can’t be rejected, only deferred… -_-</p>

<p>“not sure what i think about the idea that we can’t be rejected, only deferred… -_-”</p>

<p>i know! totally prolonging the agony if they reject us. i think they should at least reject the kids who they know they’d never admit</p>

<p>ugh this is going by sooooo slow</p>

<p>I keep feeling like im a shoe in and then i come on this site and see the competition and get really depressed…haha</p>

<p>but yea everyone should stop being so talented and smart so i can get in :)</p>

<p>anybody know Georgetown’s envelope situation? </p>

<p>Does the big envelope=acceptance/small=rejection theory hold true for GU?</p>

<p>^^ No it doesn’t. If you’re accepted (I heard this from a mom whose kid got accepted last year) you get a small business envelope with a short letter about your acceptance, and then a few pages about your deposit. So don’t freak out if you get a small letter.</p>

<p>Last year, there were three pages in the acceptance letter. The outside one was blue, so one could tell the result immediately after tearing the envelope, even before reading the letter.</p>

<p>@soph701: AHH the decisions is during my exam week too!! T_T</p>

<p>I just keep telling me I have no chance…sigh…some of my friends got into colleges already cuz they applied to UK or rolling (UMich)…so jealous…</p>

<p>i’m pretty sure my hands are going to fall off as i attempt to open the envelope…</p>

<p>I just learned that I am the most awkward person in existence. I just emailed Georgetown about a change in my mailing address, but I had to send the email to them three different times because I couldn’t type it out right. The first time, I forgot to include the zipcode and I typed the wrong zipcode in the second email. They are going to get this tomorrow and be like WHO IN THE WORLD IS THIS awkward person. DEFERRED TO REGULAR NOW. hahahahahahahahaha</p>

<p>I know for schools like Notre Dame they’ll reject people in the EA process, is Georgetown a school that only Accepts/Defers, or do they reject people the first time around also?</p>

<p>Georgetown only accepts/defers EA.</p>

<p>For anyone wondering, you would have gotten a notification that they did not get something. I checked my emails for the first time in weeks and realized by school report along with transcript was misplaced and they needed another. Luckily, it got faxed in quick a couple days ago, and all is well now.</p>

<p>Now, I just have to wait 20 days. ND comes out 15th too so it could be a very good day or a very bad day!</p>

<p>Good luck to everyone!</p>