<p>sflood, i’m from CT too. although i don’t think we’ll get them saturday, i’m hoping for monday!</p>
<p>Has anyone ever just called the office of admissions and asked about the decision?</p>
<p>I’m not going to try it, but I was jw if anyone ever did and what they said… I can imagine that they wouldn’t be too happy.</p>
<p>texas is most definitely not tomorrow, right?
houston, if that makes any difference</p>
<p>Found a really really interesting article that describes the entire Georgetown admission process
Inside Georgetown’s Admissions Deliberations
[Inside</a> Georgetown’s Admissions Deliberations - ABC News](<a href=“Inside Georgetown's Admissions Deliberations - ABC News”>Inside Georgetown's Admissions Deliberations - ABC News)</p>
<p>I’m so excited for tomorrow!!!</p>
<p>I’m in Houston as well</p>
<p>hopefully the decisions will be here by Monday at latest (though I know that’s the 14th)</p>
<p>do you think letters will arrive in NC by tomorrow?</p>
<p>they were mailed out today but who knows what time? before or after noon do you think?
i live in ny, will i get my letter tomorrow?</p>
<p>they were mailed out today but who knows what time? before or after noon do you think?
i live in ny, will i get my letter tomorrow?</p>
<p>they were mailed out today but who knows what time? before or after noon do you think?
i live in ny, will i get my letter tomorrow?</p>
<p>I am in jersey. When you think those come in? prolly around new yorks time right blue cheerio</p>
<p>I’m in VA, I better get a letter in the mail tomorrow lol</p>
<p>Our GC in D.C. private school told us today that GU won’t get the letters out today. So, not to expect them until Monday. Uh</p>
<p>haha you know what they should have done? sent half the country out today…the farthest states. then sent out on monday (if it’s true they were having trouble getting them out) the east coast etc. that would have really tripped all of us up</p>
<p>Letters were sent today > [Georgetown</a> University: Early Action Numbers Steady in Bad Economy](<a href=“http://explore.georgetown.edu/news/?ID=47317]Georgetown”>http://explore.georgetown.edu/news/?ID=47317)</p>
<p>“On Dec. 11, Georgetown sent out acceptance letters to 1,160 students – 19 percent of the early action pool. The remaining applicants will be rolled over to the regular admissions round in the spring.”</p>
<p>My daughter says they were told that GU did not get them out in time for receipt tomorrow. Oh well</p>
<p>anybody know what time that article was posted?
that could influence what day people receive the letter (early morning versus early afternoon)</p>
<p>uggh does anyone know? this would stink if i didn’t get my letter tmrw…</p>
<p>My daughter is coming home on Saturday and might not get the mail due to school closing during the winter vacation (she chose the boarding school as the main corressponding address). </p>
<p>Do everyone get email notice as well as the post mail? Or only the accepted students?</p>
<p>Nervous Dad from Vancouver</p>
<p>Is it just me or do other people feel nauseous knowing their fate is sealed in those little envelopes? And the envelopes are in the mail? And there’s nothing we can really do to change whatever message is in the envelopes?</p>