Georgetown University Early Action 2014

it’s NOT just you. i literally had a panic attack today. Like I got home and realized that my decision to my dream school is sealed in an envelope in the mail and I started crying and like freaking out. I know, it sounds pretty dramatic …</p>

<p>melamede, I think there was a post a few pages ago that said boarding school students get mails sent to both the school and home. i’m not sure though, you can always call to ask:
Office of Undergraduate Admissions (202) 687-3600</p>

<p>At this point i’m just trying to imagine that i’ll get deferred… that way if it does happen, i’d be used to the disappointment, and if i get accepted, i’d be ecstatic!
Try to take it less seriously though, it really isn’t your “fate” that’s sealed in the envelope. Lots of possibilities in the future for young students like us! Good luck everyone, i’m hoping that mails will get to MD by tomorrow, but it sounds like that they won’t :(</p>

<p>I’ve got a story for everyone–
today my mom calls me from the car to tell me my Georgetown letter got here. I told her a few days ago that I didn’t want her opening it, so she had it waiting for me. I opened it in the car, and it was the first time I realised just how badly I wanted this; my heart was beating a mile a minute.
I opened it to a letter that started “we are pleased to…”</p>

<p>“…learn of your interest in Georgetown…”</p>

<p>I hate them. They sent me a paper application and a letter about EA (which makes no sense, being a month after the deadline. It was miserable.</p>

<p>what? wow that’s ridiculous … i think i would have cried. and yeah i think they’re just cruel to send an EA letter to an EA applicant a month after the deadline…haha</p>

<p>@morality and @jackdaniels </p>

<p>I am reallllyyy anxious as well… Just knowing that the decision is floating around in the US postal system somewhere between DC and my house.</p>

<p>I wish I could just go get the letter myself haha (even though its a 6 hour drive)</p>

<p>Gaaaaaah, I don’t think mine will come until Monday or Tuesday… I’m in the Twin Cities. So it’s a big-ish city, but no New York :(</p>

<p>So wait did they get sent out today or not? Because a little while ago people were saying that it got delayed</p>

<p>We’re in MD – no letter today. If Admissions has to send all of the letters to the central on-campus mailing center for postage metering, it’s possible that they won’t hit the USPS until tomorrow. Hang in there, everyone.</p>

<p>Georgetown SFS EA applicant from Southern California!</p>

<p>how do you know they didn’t get them in the mail on time today?
can people from dc/maryland/northern va post as soon as they get the mail tomorrow saying if they heard or not so the rest of us know if we should be stalking our mailmen yet :P</p>

<p>haha going to be stalking the mailman. . .
and yeah, how do you guys know that they didn’t get them in the mail ontime?</p>

<p>Ah, CountingDown has a good point. Guess I’ll be waiting until Monday! (way too long!)</p>

<p>agree, WAYWAYWAY TOO LONG.</p>

<p>ahhhh i’m so impatient!! :/</p>

<p>is the school of nursing & health studies easier to get into?</p>

<p>I’m near the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania area. Do you think there is a chance I would get the letter tomorrow?</p>

<p>WAIT. someone said they heard the letters didn’t get mailed in time but no one has confirmed that. DOES ANYONE KNOW??? GAH i’m nervous.</p>

<p>Why don’t they have mail on Sundays ? gah!</p>

<p>I’m so stressed out! Unfortunately I’m in California; hoping for a letter on Monday but I think Tuesday is more realistic. I’m really crossing my fingers… my heart goes a mile a minute every time I think about opening the letter. Anyone else finding it REALLY hard to work on other supplements/work because of the anticipation?</p>

<p>yup. i can’t focus anymore:(</p>