Georgetown University Early Action 2014

<p>SAT: 2140 (c 740 m 680 w 720)
SAT II: Lit 780
US History 770
World History 750
Biology M 720
ACT 35
GPA 4.0 uw/4.29 w
World History 5
US Government 5
Biology 5
English Language 4
Chemistry 4</p>

<p>I sent an extra rec and a resume, and I live near DC.</p>

<p>I live in the DC Metropolitan area, but I didn’t get my EA letter today. I’m gnashing my teeth. Do you think admissions officers would mind if I called to check my status?</p>

<p>I checked my mailbox for the third time today.
I got accepted!</p>

<p>kevin67 if u didnt get in then i am most definitely not even coming close…does anyone know if they are allowed to strait up reject u for early action or is there just gonna be a deferral</p>

<p>not that anyone expected otherwise, but texas (and from what I hear, the southern area in general) has not yet received a letter.</p>

<p>congrats woorib! mind posting your stats?</p>

<p>No letters received in NJ today.</p>

<p>4.0 GPA, 4.76 WGPA
SAT 2320, SAT II (math 2: 800, bio: 750)</p>

<p>live near GT, got letter today.</p>

<p>got deferred, as expected, and frankly am more eagerly anticipating other Early letters.</p>

<p>would be more miffed about GT losing in basketball today than I am about being deferred right now</p>

<p>Anyone know if they are including October SATs in their decision? If not, I am def getting deferred.</p>

<p>Representing Rhode Island btw, I think I’m the only one here. Applying for SFS</p>

<p>Congrats trs992 and woorib, you deserve it!</p>

<p>from NYC, no letter today.
also woorib and trs, were the letters big or normal sized?</p>

<p>xcrunner, I’m pretty sure they consider all October and November SATs. My counselor called to see if they took my Nov SAT IIs into consideration and they said yes, as long as I marked the app to show I was registered to take them then.</p>

<p>basic stats:</p>

Full IB Diploma canditate
8 AP’s as of end junior year, scores 4 or better
football for 4 yrs</p>

<p>an essay package I thought was quite good, also offered bribe in form of food.</p>

<p>guess they’ll ger no catered meals from me, then</p>

<p>Is oct ACT included in their decision?</p>

<p>IBfootballer - what’s your rank?</p>

<p>I got deferred. From Fairfax County.</p>

<p>GPA: 3.8 weighted
SAT: 2280 (760/760/760)
Subject Tests: Lit: 790 Math 1: 780 Physics: 760
AP Government: 5
My school is an IB school, so I’m taking a bunch of IB classes but the exams aren’t until the end of senior year…
Got pretty good ECs I think, and decent essays as well.</p>

<p>So far this year I have like a 4.4 weighted GPA (All As) taking 4 IB classes. Chances at RD?</p>

<p>From NYC, no letter… :-(</p>

<p>I know someone asked this, but people who have gotten letters mind telling us the size. Was it regular size for all or does a big letter mean you are in?</p>

<p>got my mail today, still nothing (Broward County, Florida)</p>