<p>No space for AP/IB scores. I believe it’s because you cannot get credit for them. possibly privileges, but no credit</p>
<p>yeah i talked to my interviewer about that. no credit, you just get to take a higher level course i think</p>
<p>you can get credit for AP/IB</p>
<p>it’s just not considered for admissions</p>
<p>Does age play a role in admissions?</p>
<p>@lalalala I have a 33 ACT, 1400 SAT, and a GPA that’s kind of hard to calculate with my school’s weird system (on a 4.33 scale) but all As and A-s since sophomore year… so 3.8 UWish with mostly weighted classes. </p>
<p>Anyone think CA has a chance of getting letters tomorrow, or almost guaranteed Tuesday? Each day goes by slower and slower as d-day approaches!</p>
<p>Edit: @chorapanese I was totally stumped on what username to pick, so I went to my iTunes library and literally chose the first band name I saw. Good guess! ;)</p>
<p>I HOPE California will get their letters tomorrow. The wait is killing me.</p>
<p>I feel like… places near big-ish cities might get theirs tomorrow? Or at least I hope so… I really really really don’t want to wait until Tuesday… My homework is depending on that letter coming tomorrow.</p>
<p>has anyone from florida gotten a letter yet? will floridians get it on monday or tuesday?</p>
<p>Good luck to all. I live by Chicago so hopefully monday or tuesday!</p>
<li>munlover -
THanks for the great info.</li>
<p>Heres, the distribution:
Wa: 15, Or: 5, CA: 158, Nv:2, ID:3, UT:5. AZ: 7, NM: 5, WY, SD: 0, ND:2, MN:20 NE:3
KS: 7 OK: 7 TX: 61 LA:5 AR:1 MO:10 IA: 1 WI:11 IL:72 IN:9 MI: 22 OH:37 KY:5 TN:12 MS:5 AL:3 GA:20 SC:8 FL:66 NC:24 WV:2 PA: 89 NY 201 ME: 2 VT: 4 MA: 90 RI: 12 CT;74 NJ: 170 DE:9 MD; 98 DC: 12</p>
<p>hopefully I got them all here are the curriculars
Class/ student governtment pres: 110
Commutinty service/ Volunteer work: 837
Debate/Forensics: 164
Religious Youth Group: 166
Editor-paper/ Yearbook/ magazine - 131
International Exchange Program - 78
Band/Orchestra - 176
Model UN - 164
Drama - 386
Varsity Athletics - 786</p>
<p>yeah, i have a performance tomorrow night at six and tuesday at three, so no matter when my letter arrives i am going to be a nervous wreck.</p>
<p>@jamiroquai, your ACT scores are at the top of the georgetown middle 50% range. for ACTs, the middle 50% is 28-32. your grades are phenomenal!</p>
<p>Actually per a Georgetown adcom, its 31-34.</p>
<p>ahhh everyones scores are so lovely. i better get my letter tomorrow. and yes, i agree, my homework and HUGE econ test is depending on this. i just pretended like i havent applied…hoping that it would allow me to do work
and im not really sure if mun is THAT big of a deal, but if you’re very involved in it, then it can certainly work to your benefit! but then i guess that goes with all ECs</p>
<p>Hey I posted the stats that munlover was giving out on the page before in case anyone is still interested.</p>
<p>Runner Dean, what are those stats? is that from this year or just an average over the last few years?</p>
<p>sorry if you already explained it… i haven’t really been following along</p>
<p>massachusetts tomorrow?</p>
<p>hope so, 'cause if MA gets it tomorrow, RI will too!!</p>
<p>@ munlover28
Any stats from Iowa on the geographic distribution list?? haha :)</p>
<p>IA had one, from what I saw of distribution.</p>
<p>I’m also from Iowa. I’m hoping to receive a letter tomorrow- I plan to come home during lunch and check my mailbox. Ugh, the wait is killing me!</p>
<p>I had a question, though, in regards to previous completion of college courses. I attended three college programs- Cornell, Cambridge, and Harvard. Does anyone know if this helps? I received A’s in all of my classes, and my Archaeology professor/overseer of the excavation I participated in (from Harvard) wrote me a recommendation… Anyone know?</p>
<p>on the collegeboard website, doesnt it say that the middle 50% for ACTs for GU is 26-33? i’m not sure its accurate…but it makes me feel good!</p>