<p>Ha ha that’s what Winter Break is for! Filling out aps! Of course, that’s what I told myself during fall break…and well, that didn’t really happen</p>
<p>Ehhhh if I get into Georgetown I’ll have even less motivation to apply to other places.</p>
<p>hahahhaa i just read through the last four pages of this thread and i cannot stop laughing, you all are hilarious. i officially like georgetown WAY more the umich(my other ER school) because all they’re doing on the decision thread is yelling and cussing eachother out it’s terrible.</p>
<p>i have 150 pages of a book to read for english tomorrow…because i decided to start a 300 page book the night before my test. senioritis ftw!</p>
<p>If I get into georgetown (and if I get into ND, visit, and I dont like it) I’m withdrawing all other apps and committing ASAP.</p>
<p>Hahahahahaha…They probably mix the bones with their tears. For all we know, the deferral letter comes with a container to harvest these. They could be using these to make delicious granola products to compete with the Quakers. That money would, of course go to the scholarship fund, so in an indirect way, we really would be fundraising for future students. Go us! (and by us, I mean those of us who are going to get deferred ha ha…although I suppose the letter could have one such container for tears of joy as well…hmm)</p>
<p>^same with me, eagle2010</p>
<p>I’m sending in my deposit as soon as/if I get that letter!</p>
<p>Haha the tears of sorrow are the bonding agent in those bars. </p>
<p>It all makes sense now!</p>
<p>I just realized many of the schools I was/am applying to I haven’t sent any test scores to. Many of these mishaps are with SAFTEY schools - meaning I better cough up $30 or so to send scores to make sure if I don’t get in to GU I can at least go to Loyola or UoI-Urbana.</p>
<p>jackdaniels: Out of curiousity, I just went over to the UMich board and took a look…i see what you’re talking about now haha Gtown does sound better :P</p>
<p>What bones?? What?</p>
<p>hahaha i agree with jackdaniels…
we definitely have the most active thread and the funniest people
im glad we are not cussing eachother out either.
that just shows that people applying to (and attending) georgetown are really nice fun people, which makes me want to be accepted even more and join the fun…
I JUST REALIZED ITS MONDAY! (at least on east coast, it is)</p>
<p>I feel like a myth buster! Uncovering the truth to the REAL ingredients! Don’t you think they should let secret agents like us in automatically? I do (but I might be slightly biased) =P</p>
<p>@JackDaniels…is it bad that I have a morbid curiosity to go check that out? That sounds like that could be unintentionally funny ha ha.</p>
i know! it’s crazy! the “decision” thread is like four pages of people making stuff up and basically hating on each other. like one guy wrote he got in with a 3.1 gpa and eveyone was like “■■■■■” “he’s a liar!” they’re unnecessarily rude haha</p>
no! go look at it it’s so funny/stupid</p>
<p>:( That’s just unnecessary for people to be that rude or mean.</p>
<p>i know! i posted some giant paragraph on the mich thread about how rude everyone was and everyone basically started cussing me out at that point. i was think “yeah deff want to go to georgetown now, not michigan”</p>
<p>Yeah there was a thread over at BC or ND saying please only post here if you have an actual decision and people mocked the poor kid like blah blah I’m posting here anyway blah blah. Clearly the Georgetown crowd is much more mature and ready to handle the real world :D</p>
<p>Edit: For those of us needing something to do was we panic and tremble awaiting the decision all night long: <a href=“http://news.yahoo.com/s/space/bestmeteorshowerof2009peakstonight[/url]”>http://news.yahoo.com/s/space/bestmeteorshowerof2009peakstonight</a></p>
<p>haha yeah the Umich thread sounds like a bunch of cranky people who need sleep hehe</p>
<p>yeah basically. god i would give up like everything to go to georgetown.
i think i’d shave all my hair off and go bald if i had to.
is that weird? hahahaa</p>
<p>@eagle2010: same with the Uchicago board! This one kid posted like 3 versions of the “Official decisions” thread because people kept posting random irrelevant things in them. In his last try, he put in bold “DO NOT POST anything other than decisions” but people just posted for the sake of annoying others like “meow meow meow” or some really random thing haha</p>
<p>Thank you guys for not being “playa hatas” lolz…but seriously, thank you guys for being awesome. I love mature/respectful people. Hence my hatred of public high school, ha ha</p>