Georgetown University Early Action 2014

<p>Ps the grammar in that was awful… My apologies to those who are as annoyed by bad grammar as I (usually) am</p>

<p>i had a dream the other night that i got flat out rejected. . .haha, i told my mom and she was like, “i thought you couldn’t even get rejected,” and I was like, “i WOULD be that person to get rejected, mom.” lol, having nightmares about getting into schools is probably unhealthy.</p>

hahaa that was me. imagine showing up to georgetown bald … and having to explain that to all your new roommates/friends. i would look so terrible without my hair haha</p>

<p>but…i would do it gor georgetown!</p>

<p>at least they’ll be done tomorrow?</p>

<p>@oceanangel. Yes. Shes a special person. We have a wierd love/hate relationship (I love how our common fear of Georgetown has prompted me to divulge details of my personal life haha)</p>

<p>@lalalala038: I’d shave my head too, and although I’m a guy, I still very much like my hair.</p>

<p>@sprevite: I was having a dream last night that I got in, my mom called and told me so. The point I realized it was a dream and not reality? The point where my mom hands me the “envelope” containing my “acceptance letter” and its an aluminum tin for take-out food with the admittance letter inside, cut to the shape of a circle to fit into the tin.</p>

<p>I agree w/ Oceanangel about your friend Eagle. Although, you seem like a pretty cool person yourself, since you’re willing to drive the gettaway car :slight_smile: It all makes sense. And why give in to final stress? Resistance from this board is futile! Besides, my friend didn’t study at all for a super hard AP Psych test, or sleep the night before, and she managed to pull of a high B…There is hope ha ha</p>

<p>i hope this will all be done by tomorrow! if i have to wait until tuesday i may go insane.</p>

<p>HAHA that’s funny, eagle 2010, i hate when i realize it’s a dream:(</p>

<p>agreed… if i’m pulling an all-nighter tonight, i just can’t handle that for tomorrow as well.</p>

<p>MMM late night snacks anyone? i definitely just popped some lasagna in the microwave…</p>

<p>So just out of curiousity, where is everyone applying other than georgetown?</p>

<p>haha laffey taffy + newman’s own extra bold coffee + ice cream = breakfast of champions.</p>

<p>@MoralityCougar My brother just got home from Canada a couple days ago, after being gone for a couple months (including Thanksgiving) so my mom went all out and made all of the Thanksgiving foods a second time. I’m seriously considering going to go heat up all of those delicious leftovers. The pumpkin pie is a must lol (although I wouldn’t actually heat that particular dish up).</p>

<p>This reminds me, I had a dream two days ago that I got into Gtown and Duke! It felt so real! But then I woke up and realized it was a dream<_< THEN i fell back asleep and dreamt that i was rejected from Gtown and Duke…</p>

<p>:D what kind of ice cream?</p>

<p>and lalalalalalalalalalalala… i got into the UofMN, and i’ll probably apply to pomona and GW. but if i get into georgetown i won’t apply to pomona.</p>

<p>A bunch of potentials: (ahah not applying to all)</p>

<p>Johns Hopkins
Carnegie Mellon
Boston College
George Washington
Tulane (accepted)
Worcester Polytech.
University of Rhode Island
University of Massachusetts - Amherst</p>

<p>I applied EA to Gtown, Fordham, BC, Notre Dame, USD, U Denver, U Dayton, Tulane (free), Drexel (free), Portland (free).</p>

<p>RD: UC Berkeley, UCLA, USC, and Penn (although I havent finished the Penn app yet and won’t submit if I get in to Georgetown).</p>


<p>Georgetown, UNC, BC, tulane, fordham, columbia, duke, GW, cornell, emory, vanderbilt, tufts, nyu, UVa…Gtown is my number 1 by farrrrr even over the ivies</p>

cappuccino chip! it’s delicious, be jealous.</p>

<p>i applied EA to georgetown and michigan
RD: berk, UCLA, USC, emory, UT (in), NYU, William&mary, cornell, virginia, and brown</p>

<p>i know it’s a lot… my dad believes in applying everywhere haha</p>

<p>i really am jealous… i need a midnight snack dessert. and i’m definitely considering making some coffee right now.</p>