<p>Ps the grammar in that was awful… My apologies to those who are as annoyed by bad grammar as I (usually) am</p>
<p>i had a dream the other night that i got flat out rejected. . .haha, i told my mom and she was like, “i thought you couldn’t even get rejected,” and I was like, “i WOULD be that person to get rejected, mom.” lol, having nightmares about getting into schools is probably unhealthy.</p>
hahaa that was me. imagine showing up to georgetown bald … and having to explain that to all your new roommates/friends. i would look so terrible without my hair haha</p>
<p>but…i would do it gor georgetown!</p>
<p>at least they’ll be done tomorrow?</p>
<p>@oceanangel. Yes. Shes a special person. We have a wierd love/hate relationship (I love how our common fear of Georgetown has prompted me to divulge details of my personal life haha)</p>
<p>@lalalala038: I’d shave my head too, and although I’m a guy, I still very much like my hair.</p>
<p>@sprevite: I was having a dream last night that I got in, my mom called and told me so. The point I realized it was a dream and not reality? The point where my mom hands me the “envelope” containing my “acceptance letter” and its an aluminum tin for take-out food with the admittance letter inside, cut to the shape of a circle to fit into the tin.</p>
<p>I agree w/ Oceanangel about your friend Eagle. Although, you seem like a pretty cool person yourself, since you’re willing to drive the gettaway car It all makes sense. And why give in to final stress? Resistance from this board is futile! Besides, my friend didn’t study at all for a super hard AP Psych test, or sleep the night before, and she managed to pull of a high B…There is hope ha ha</p>
<p>i hope this will all be done by tomorrow! if i have to wait until tuesday i may go insane.</p>
<p>HAHA that’s funny, eagle 2010, i hate when i realize it’s a dream:(</p>
<p>agreed… if i’m pulling an all-nighter tonight, i just can’t handle that for tomorrow as well.</p>
<p>MMM late night snacks anyone? i definitely just popped some lasagna in the microwave…</p>
<p>So just out of curiousity, where is everyone applying other than georgetown?</p>
<p>haha laffey taffy + newman’s own extra bold coffee + ice cream = breakfast of champions.</p>
<p>@MoralityCougar My brother just got home from Canada a couple days ago, after being gone for a couple months (including Thanksgiving) so my mom went all out and made all of the Thanksgiving foods a second time. I’m seriously considering going to go heat up all of those delicious leftovers. The pumpkin pie is a must lol (although I wouldn’t actually heat that particular dish up).</p>
<p>This reminds me, I had a dream two days ago that I got into Gtown and Duke! It felt so real! But then I woke up and realized it was a dream<_< THEN i fell back asleep and dreamt that i was rejected from Gtown and Duke…</p>
<p>:D what kind of ice cream?</p>
<p>and lalalalalalalalalalalala… i got into the UofMN, and i’ll probably apply to pomona and GW. but if i get into georgetown i won’t apply to pomona.</p>
<p>A bunch of potentials: (ahah not applying to all)</p>
<p>Johns Hopkins
Carnegie Mellon
Boston College
George Washington
Tulane (accepted)
Worcester Polytech.
University of Rhode Island
University of Massachusetts - Amherst</p>
<p>I applied EA to Gtown, Fordham, BC, Notre Dame, USD, U Denver, U Dayton, Tulane (free), Drexel (free), Portland (free).</p>
<p>RD: UC Berkeley, UCLA, USC, and Penn (although I havent finished the Penn app yet and won’t submit if I get in to Georgetown).</p>
<p>Georgetown, UNC, BC, tulane, fordham, columbia, duke, GW, cornell, emory, vanderbilt, tufts, nyu, UVa…Gtown is my number 1 by farrrrr even over the ivies</p>
cappuccino chip! it’s delicious, be jealous.</p>
<p>i applied EA to georgetown and michigan
RD: berk, UCLA, USC, emory, UT (in), NYU, William&mary, cornell, virginia, and brown</p>
<p>i know it’s a lot… my dad believes in applying everywhere haha</p>
<p>i really am jealous… i need a midnight snack dessert. and i’m definitely considering making some coffee right now.</p>