Georgetown University Early Action 2014

<p>This thread is making me want to go to georgetown 10000x more than I already did… Ahhh. I really hope everyone on here gets good news in the next few days!!</p>

<p>um, am i the only one who’s parents don’t think they’ll get in?
my parents are like, “HAHA, expect to get deferred.” lol, we actually left an information session at tufts because my mom was like, “you’re not getting in here, no way.” lol.</p>

<p>I sincerely hope we all get in, and can afford to go (Because of our Bake Sale of course!), because you all seem like cool people. We could form a secret society ahead of time of people who like midnight snacks, owls, HP, and delicious baked goods. </p>

<p>Either way though, we’ve done everything we can, now it’s up to them to recognize how special we are. I’m sure you all will have no problem succeeding in all of your endevors, regardless of where you go to school (although I’m still crossing my fingers and toes for Georgetown ha ha). Don’t worry about other people’s reactions, we have your back, and can completely understand where you’re coming from. Although if someone in my family says “It’s only a few more months of waiting” I think I might do an Eagle hahahahahaha</p>

<p>ps Eagle, you are totally my new BFFL:) We have been on the same brain wavelength tonight ha ha</p>

<p>LOL sprite that’s so mean of them! my parents have waaaay too high of expectations, it always makes me uncomfortable because i have to convince them to expect a deferral. and lalalala i totally agree - if this is what potential georgetowners are like on college confidential of all places, i have high hopes for the campus itself ;)</p>

<p>ahaha lmao yes i dig this secret society idea of which you speak. . .</p>

<p>haha my dad was like “why are you even bothering to apply, that’s a waste of the admission committee’s time”</p>

<p>…thanks dad</p>

<p>late, but i’m applying to gtown (obv), american, brown, harvard, tufts, university of michigan, university of kansas (already accepted), university of pennsylvania, and wellesley (maybe). this always seems so long, but some of you have just as many, so i feel a little better. </p>

<p>as for some of the similarities in schools, usc and gw both tried to recruit me with at least a tree’s worth of postcards and pamphlets, etc, so i have a feeling that they did that with most of us here.</p>

<p>Munlover we totally are. And if you are also a guy we can room together. If not either way then we need to meet up WHEN we are HOYAS. </p>

<p>As for the secret society, I’m down. Lets meet in secret rooms and drink wine symbolizing blood from skulls (Dan Brown’s The Lost Symbol anyone??)</p>

<p>it makes me not want to go to a school when they send me 129791284985223849 lbs. of literature. </p>

<p>and jackdaniels, i get that all the time HAHA.</p>

<p>also, my dad thinks the sun shines out of my every orifice, so when harvard sent me that application they sent to everyone, he decided that i was going to apply and get in to any school i wanted (hahahahaha i wish). my mom’s the more realistic of the two, no question.</p>

i don’t read. i’m illiterate.</p>

<p>mh mom tries not to talk about it. and then it’s worse because one of her coworkers kids is applying ED too, and i think she’s secretly competing against him for my spot or something. it’s really funny.</p>

<p>YES SECRET SOCIETY. we’ll drink delicious iced coffee and chat about harry potter, in the room of requirement</p>

<p>@moralitycougar, absolutely!!! i’m sure healy has one of those. . .</p>

<p>@ashtona. Just LOLed epically. Princeton did something similar, thankfully I trashed it before the rents could get a glimpse. </p>

<p>@sprevite. Its a thumping good read, you can probably finish it on the plane ride TO georgetown because you WILL need to VISIT because you WILL get IN!!!</p>

<p>■■■■ i love dan brown!!!</p>

<p>I agree with the whole thread/wanting to go to GT thing. This sounds a lot more promising now, I was worried if I do get in, I wouldn’t fit in because Southwest culture is so different from that of the east coast, so thanks for taking away a lot of those worries.</p>

<p>And I know where you guys are coming from with the whole parental pressure. My dad keeps saying the whole “You could get into any school you wanted” thing, and that is most definitely not the case lol. I try to burst his delusional bubble, but that sucker just won’t pop. He doesn’t understand how qualified students are these days. I’m definitely dreading the reaction if I get deferred ha ha.</p>

<p>LOL at “room of requirements” hahahahahaha omg I love you all~ class of 2014 is gonna be the best hands-down :D</p>

<p>moralitycougar, i found out this perfect girl from my school was applying to gtown (luckily not ea), and i definitely felt the competitive adrenaline start to kick in. she called me to ask about the application and i almost hung up on her.</p>

<p>and i am so down with this secret society. i’ll bring the chocolate croissants.</p>

<p>Munlover my dad is the same way. My mom is the sympathetic supportive type saying I’ll be just fine even if I go to community college. My dads the one thumping his fists saying you’re a shoe-in at GT, you should apply to USC because you are a spoiled child and will fit in perfectly, etc etc.</p>

<p>@oceanangel. CLASS OF 2014 FTW!</p>

<p>I just had an argument with my friend as to why Jesus would have had such an easy time applying to college because he has the best legacy of all time.</p>

<p>@eagle2010, thanks for the support. </p>

<p>and as i’m writing in chinese and reading this forum frantically, i realized there’s a word that’s a “measure word for long narrow pieces like rivers, dragons, trousers”. either that’s funny or i’m just really tired. haha.</p>