<p>I am soo nervous to find out…I find out the same day of my oral commentary for IB English!</p>
<p>Don’t be so nervous, everyone! You’re all outstanding candidates, and Georgetown would be lucky to have any of you attend school there. Best of luck!</p>
<p>~Brown EDer =]</p>
<p>I heard that Georgetown doesn’t really accept kids from the Colorado area…is that true?</p>
<p>Best of luck to all CC Georgetown EA Applicants</p>
<li>Sarba [Stanford REA 2014]</li>
<p>As the day grows closer and closer, I keep fluctuating between polar emotions. It’s not a very pleasant feeling. haha I guess now I know what it feels like to be bi-polar (no offense to anyone) and, I don’t like it! I live in Iowa (not sure how many students from here apply to GU) but I’ll report when I get my letter (hopefully of admission!). :)</p>
<p>What I said was that the international students will get e-mails BY Dec 15. It depends on when the admission officers have time to sit and send the emails with the instructions to all deferred and accepted candidates… I pray to be one of the accepted… ;)</p>
<p>Anxious over in Southern Mass! Expecting a letter Monday, will keep everybody posted!</p>
<p>Letters are being mailed tomorrow! I’m freeaakking out!</p>
<p>How do you all know that the letters are being mailed tomorrow? That makes me wonder as I may get an e-mail tomorrow…</p>
<p>letters are definitely being mailed tomorrow. im freakin out, hopefully I will get mine on saturday being from jersey</p>
<p>Super anxious to find out :\ </p>
<p>Hoping to get my letter Monday/Tuesday (I’m near Cleveland, OH).</p>
<p>My friend just got rejected by Duke… cried too. Now I’m so distracted that I can’t focus on anything!
Will the mails be sent as first class mails? So MD residents will definitely get it by Saturday unless something really peculiar happens, right?</p>
<p>how long would it take for the letter to get to Washington (Seattle area)?</p>
<p>I don’t know if this has been asked before (sorry if it has) but is it certain that they are sending decisions by regular mail or will we also receive emails by the 15th? Thnx</p>
<p>how do we definitely know that they’re going to be sent out tomorrow? who are our sources for this information?</p>
<p>Last year’s forum and the general consensus. And people who say they “know some people.”</p>
<p>AH i’m so nervous.
i don’t know what to do with myself right now??!@!!
i don’t think i’ll get in, but the wait’s killing me…
gtown’s my top choice and very much of a reach for me</p>
<p>applied to the nursing international health school (though i don’t want to be a nurse [international health major, pre-med concentration])
2030 SAT (not superscored)
670 Math II, 680 Chem, 720 Spanish
APs- 4 Chemistry, 4 Spanish, 4 English
93/100 unweighted GPA.
all aps this year, i’ve taken the max APs and honors my school has to offer.
pretty good ECs, wrote about being adopted from china (personal statement) and how I want to work with Doctors without Borders (other essay)</p>
<p>erhm, do you guys know what the chance of being admitted in RD round is if one gets deferred?</p>
<p>haha i’d love to know too…
i know that the sat score ranges are higher for EA and the acceptance rates are like 3% lower, but i’d love an answer too!!</p>
<p>just freaking wait, its not like any of us know any more than you can judge for yourself.</p>