Hey all, if you’re here thanks for reading. Well it’s almost May 1st, and I am currently struggling to decide between Georgetown and Notre Dame. Both excellent schools with their own strengths and weaknesses. I would major in Economics and Government at Georgetown, or Finance at Notre Dame (#1 Business School in the Country). I live in Indianapolis, so Notre Dame is closer as well. I visited Georgetown this weekend and loved it and am visiting Notre Dame this week. I am Catholic, so religion isn’t really a factor for me at either college. Just wondering what your guys perceived differences between the two are, and where you would go if given the choice.
Notre Dame is much more fun and the alumni network is dramatically more supportive. The campus is astonishing.
Georgetown has a better location outside campus.
I would go to Notre Dame. Of the top 25 schools Notre Dame is often considered the university with the best undergraduate teaching.
Mendoza undergrad can’t be beat.
My daughter is a junior at ND and it has been a fantastic experience. We all agree that it was the best decision of her life. If I was choosing a college for myself right now, I would pick Notre Dame over any school in the country!
You say you are Catholic- ND will give you a more “authentically” Catholic experience. Georgetown is not as conservative; it may be a Jesuit school, but it is considerably more liberal than ND.
Hmmn, here is a plug for Gtown. First, for your intended field of Government, it can’t be beat. DC is heads over shoulders a much more exciting, vibrant, intellectually stimulating place than South Bend. Three, it is a profoundly more diverse campus, from its female population about 55 % versus 47%, international student body 18% versus 4%, population of color 54% versus only 24%. In short, it is a much more cosmopolitan and international global institution with great ties into policy, politics and government in a world class city—its Hoya.
You really need to visit ND first before deciding. We have been to both and they both are great schools. Daughter loves that Georgetown is right in town with walking to everything. ND is a little further out and you will want a car there. Right next to ND is a new block with some restaurants, urban outfitters and a 7/11 so there is something in walking distance but not like Georgetown. But the Basilica on ND is amazing, we did attend a service on our visit and we are not catholic. Visit and then think on it!
Notre Dame’s endowment is 7 times larger than Georgetown’s and if you visit both the difference in campus is pretty obvious.
Georgetown is one of the best schools in the country but the physical assets like the buildings and campus don’t compare.
I get what you are saying, but its the school and its faculty, and how they use their resources. Still, while certainly not Yale or Havard like in endowment size, 1.5 billion supporting about 7000 undergrads is more than sufficient. If the building/campus/ and things of that nature are your drivers for a great college go to U of O–see:http://www.oregonlive.com/education/index.ssf/2015/01/50_million_uo_student_rec_cent.html
I have been there a couple of times----its surreal.
I’m not knocking Georgetown at all but ND has 9 billion in the bank and every building on campus is first rate. The campus quality is astonishing.
I suggest that the OP do a search as there are multiple threads discussing this same topic
S faced similar decision 3 years ago and decided on Georgetown. He loves it. Ultimate decision came down to the intangibles off campus. S has been able to take advantage of plays, concerts, major league sporting events, being part of a vibrant city, excellent restaurants,internships, and proximity to an airport that gets him non-stop close to anywhere he might want to go in the US.
These are 2 great schools. You might want to consider off-campus life to help you decide.
I know ND’s campus is astonishing, but it’s not like Georgetown is a trash heap. They both have beautiful campuses, with the advantage going to ND.
Didn’t St. Elmo’s Fire take place at Gtown? Just think how you can relive their lives! It’s a great opportunity. The Exorcist was also filmed there and presents exciting Halloween parties. I hear the school is all the rage nowadays, especially with the 80s reunion of the Brat Pack.
Two great schools - congratulations. My H had this same choice to make some 40 years ago so I guess the more things change, the more they stay the same!
Academically they are equivalent. I’d consider the following differences though…
Location - Midwest big campus v living in Washington DC
The two majors will be very different. A business major at ND will be very different than a liberal arts major at Gtown. With a business major you not only take classes in finance but you will take a whole core of business classes such as intro to accounting, marketing, IT, business law etc. I’d spend time looking online at the two curriculums and see a) if you prefer one or b) if you feel one would be better for your future.
If you plan to stay in the Midwest perhaps ND would have an advantage in terms of alumni connections.
The notion of “fit” should not be ignored so if you feel happier/more comfortable at one than the other that should be a factor in the decision.
Do you prefer football or basketball? (joking)
No bad choice can be made. Visit ND and see what you think. Maybe one of the schools will stand out in your mind as the right place for you.