Georgetown vs Tufts [political science, international student]


I got into both Georgetown University and Tufts this year, help me make a decision?

I plan on entering the college at Georgetown and the school of arts and sciences at Tufts.

I am interested in Political Science and International Relations primarily, but want a well rounded liberal arts foundation

I am extremely competitive/motivated and need an excited environment

I’m also an international student from Delhi, India

Which costs less ? You’re going home after so is there a difference ?

Both are fine. For Poli sci, Gtown is closer to the action although Boston is a great city too and you’ll have access.

U can’t go wrong with either.

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Both great but GU is really tops in IR and always has been. If you are serious about IR and cost is not an issue, it’s a no brained. GU.


“GU is really tops in IR and always has been.”

Not sure I agree with this. Back in the 70s, they were the first 2 to have IR as a major, Georgetown through SFS and Tufts leveraging Fletcher.

Do agree both are great. Many of the opportunitis available in DC that are a strong draw may be tougher for a foreign student to access.

OP, you may want to map out the 4 years at both and see how they look. You may find the programs are structured differently and that each school has strengths in certain regions. That can make a huge difference, whether it’s in languages offered or strength of faculty. One may be far more appealing based on that alone.

As one aspect to consider regarding Georgetown, it will appear on any list of schools of top U.S. political science programs.

Both are superb IR schools. If you had said SFS at GU it would be an easier question, but between the College & Tufts it’s a closer call. There are some differences in focus so looking more deeply into the course structure - what you would actually take- might be helpful. There are some differences in focus between the two.

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Yep, also i’m more inclined towards History and Poli Sci than International Relations.

Luckily, cost is not an issue for me, so would you say Gtown?

Both are very well respected universities, especially for political science, but I would pick Georgetown. The campus is nice and the town of Georgetown right on the river is lovely. I had one of the best steaks in my life at an Argentinian steak house in Georgetown. It would be a great place to study political science and history.

There are several online calculators that use real student preference data … you can enter any 2 universities and it will tell you what percentage would pick each university. I plugged in Georgetown versus Tufts and it came out 64% of applicants would pick Georgetown and 36% would pick Tufts.

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This is what I said.

Everyone thinks there’s only one good choice. There’s not.

Have you been to both campuses? Talked to students? Get a feel for the “vibe” and where you best see yourself? My guess is if you do that one will rise to the top. Both great schools.

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Really agree with @hoya91 . Really different feel and vibe. Different enough that one is likely to be more appealing, and given that they are both excellent options, that’s a perfectly good way to choose.

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I’ve not been able to visit both campuses. I’ve talked to students and I feel the vibe at Georgetown is better!

Sounds good. I was about to congratulate you on your decision, but re-reading your comment, it didn’t state a final decision just yet.

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I’ve decided since and committed to Georgetown!


Congratulations!! Wish you the best. Hoya Saxa!

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Thank you so much!

Georgetown sounds like your school, but . . . . .

What will you do with this degree in India?