Georgetown vs UVA vs Virginia Tech vs Dartmouth for CS

hi! i’m an incoming freshman in cs from the northern virginia area. does anyone have opinions on the computer science program and its quality in terms of preparing for a career and picking up skills? i would pair it with a minor in science, technology, and international affairs. for context, my other top choices are uva and virginia tech. i am on the waitlist at dartmouth, but will need to commit by may 1. would love to hear thoughts on the program in comparison as well. cost is not a concern since the aid packages are comparable. thank you in advance :slight_smile:

uva may be a better choice than Georgetown

If you want CS, I don’t see why Georgetown. UVA or Virginia Tech would be better.


i would love to stay in the DC area and those i’ve spoken to had said georgetown helps get you in the door for government jobs. i got into uva early so i had been planning to go there, but now i’m back to indecision.

All three send students to DC after graduation, UVA and Va Tech have stronger computer science departments than Georgetown. Do you live in VA?

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So hopefully every college will do this for you.

Dartmouth is a WL - so do the LOCI but forget it.

So UVA and Va Tech are different type of schools, different experiences and both will do great.

As far as getting CS jobs anywhere - including the government in DC - that can and will happen from any school in the US. Today you have linkedin and indeed - but the government itself has open postings and will not just be hiring from local schools.

I wouldn’t consider Gtown for CS when you have such solid in-state choices.

Best of luck.

The most recent Common Data Set for Dartmouth shows they admitted 0 students from the waitlist in 2021.

It’s fine to stay on the waitlist, but don’t use any mental energy adding it to your decision process.


Making matters worse, they admitted 1750 students of which 1228 enrolled.

Yet they offered WL spots to 2,669 or approximately 10% of applicants. This is lower than others such as Miami, Emory, and Case Western but still a scam - and as you noted pulled 0. But even if they pulled 50, it’s still near impossible.

Good luck to OP.

So do VaTech & UVa. Be careful that you are not looking at Georgetown through HS prestige glasses.


I went to Georgetown School of Foreign service but ended up with an IT job (it was the 90’s) after graduating, and later went to UVA for my masters in engineering (Systems). My son is going to be a freshman at Virginia Tech next year… I think all 3 are great schools, but they are all, very, very different.

For CS, I would say that UVA and Virginia Tech have more “prestige” when it comes to CS.

All 3 will get you jobs and internships in the DC area.

At VT, you’re going to have a more concentrated focus on STEM, with lots of STEM students. It’s a large school on a beautiful campus (with the best food in the nation). It’s also a very small town. The students love it there.

UVA is a more “preppy” feel, very strong interdisciplinary programs. Almost every student there is a super star. Obviously amazing history, “Mr. Jefferson’s school”.

Georgetown’s CS program is not as well developed as the other 2 (in my opinion). There are some amazing professors with ties to the highest levels of government. I was able to take classes with former ambassador’s, I went to church with Madeleine Albright (still did up until her recent death).

Costs are obviously going to be very different. Instate tuition at UVA or VT is a pretty great deal.

So, basically, what are you going for in school… if you want to go hard core CS - I think I’d consider VT first. If you’re looking at more of a broader experience, UVA would be hard to beat. Georgetown is more of the outlier - it’s more expensive and not as developed for CS as the other two. However, there are some really cool professors, and the alumni network in government (and IB) is second to none, IMO.

But congratulations… what wonderful choices to have!


Since the net cost is about the same I’d go to whichever school you prefer.

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