Georgetown Waitlist 2027

Forum for Georgetown waitlist 2027

Waitlisted at the School of Health

D23 waitlisted School of Health. Only WL she’s staying on. One thought is maybe since SOH is new this year (so no yield history), they were conservative on admits? Or maybe that’s just wishful thinking as they have prior NHS history.

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Thank you for starting this thread.

Current Admissions Stats:

Last year, 3277 were waitlisted and 2453 accepted a spot. Only 29 students (1%) moved off the waitlist to enroll Fall of 2022.

University will notify students by May 15th, but last year a small number were asked to be on an extended waitlist and some offers were made after that date.

Interesting apss were down in a material way and over half the class (53%) identifies as a person of color.

1,151 fewer applicants than last year.

Any strategies to share about waitlists? My HS senior is quite anxious about this, but Gtown is her top pick.

They are better about WL than other schools. In the last CDS they offered WL to 2455 and 40 got in. Now 2455 is a lot but they admitted 3257. Other privates put on WL multiples of acceptances.

The reality of a WL is it’s a rejection but a hedge for the school is they predict wrongly.

I say this not to be mean but to know - assume you are not going to Gtown.

Do what they ask. That means fill out the WL response form.

Then delete Gtown from your mind.

Who is #2? Who gave you love. Love them back. Deposit. Find a roomie. Make it that if Gtown calls in two months you decided to stay with #2.

In other words get giddy for them. Do not hold out hope.

For a select few it happens but the reality is you should treat it like any other school that rejected you. Fill out the form but then realize their loss is name that schools gain.

She needn’t be anxious. They already said - go somewhere else, we can’t have you.

And they are right. You will have committed elsewhere b4 they even know if they’ll pull from the WL. And many top schools don’t.

Best of luck. She, not the school, will make her life.

And look at the bright side, If you believe all the reviews, she just avoided bad food and you a big eating out bill because lots of parents say their kids spend a lot eating out due to the bad food!!

Good luck to her.


Does anyone know if we might hear something before May 15th? I have already submitted a LOCI and a letter of rec that should hold a ton of weight and I’m feeling a bit hopeful.

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Please don’t feel hopeful. Not to be a downer but when you are waitlisted, you’ve been rejected.

You are one of thousands the school Waitlists as a hedge, in case they fall short. The WL is for their benefit, not yours.

So last year they did pull more than other top schools -40. But they offered WL spots to 2455 of which 1804 accepted. That means they offered a WL spot to almost 10% of all applicants and almost as many as they admitted. The prior year was even less odds.

So don’t be hopeful. Have your deposit in at #2 and love that school. Let Georgetown be an unexpected surprise, not something you are counting on.

I wouldn’t assume any letter will hold weight over what any other student submitted and if they do need to pull it will be based on their priorities - maybe major, geography, ethnicity or something else. Unlikely to be your letter.

Have a wonderful four years at your current choice. Look forward. Don’t ‘hope’. Your current choice loved you. Love it back. Good luck.

Okay, but do we think decisions could be released before May 15th? I already know there’s a slim chance.


Take a look at this thread from last year.

Probably your best guide is last year. Skim the thread above and you will have a sense of timeline and sequence.

Looks like they had several waves of taking people off an extended wait list. Some as early as mid May and some as late as June. I know frustrating!! Regional AOs call first to ensure continued interest.

Good luck. Be realistic but don’t let persistent negativity bother you.

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Thank you. I know my chances are little to none but I’m not ready to give up just yet. Do you think it would be beneficial to email my regional AO my LOCI? Georgetown does not make their regional AOs’ information easily accessible, but I managed to find mine on their Student Profile from last year. My thoughts are, since they could be calling to confirm interest, it may be helpful to reach out first. Does anyone have opinions on this?

If the instructions said submit the LOCI in the portal then do that. Do not email a regional AO unless the instructions for WL say to. I am not familiar with Georgetown in particular, just giving you advice that applies to all schools regarding WL.

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absolutely reach out. reach out to your AO and restate why you would be a good fit for Georgetown and what you’d bring to The Hilltop. Add in any additional awards or things you’ve done since they released decisions in late March. Reconnect with your interviewer and ask him/her to send a follow-up email in support of you. Have a new teacher send a new letter of recommendation. Stay on the radar. Working a waitlist is NOT a passive activity.
Last year, our son remained in contact with his AO from the time he was originally waitlisted and he was offered a spot on May 18. He communicated with her (the AO) frequently (every other week)–always with pertinent updates. Georgetown culled their WL a bit around May 7 or so, asking people to confirm they were still interested in remaining on the WL, and then they put people on what they called the “Extended Waitlist” around May 12. At every point, our son did not just click a button; he wrote a short, succinct, strong email to the AO reconfirming his commitment and desire to attend Georgetown. Then a few days later, AO emailed him and asked if he had time for a phone call. They spoke about an hour later and she offered him a spot which he immediately accepted. Yes, he knows he won the lottery, but he worked for it and did not idly sit back and wait. Take initiative. Be proactive. Avoid senioritis and don’t let your grades falter. Keep working and keep showing the school that it’s your absolute top choice and you would go there in an instant.
Being waitlisted is NOT a rejection.
Good luck!!


Students should know what a WL is. I noted they admitted more than others - but students holding on for WL are hurting themselves by not falling in love with the place they will likely end up.

It’s a reality. But thanks for worrying about what I wrote.

Glad your student was one of the 40.

Thank you so much! I really appreciate your insight. I am currently planning on attending another D.C. school, so getting into Georgetown would just be an added bonus. Georgetown is my top-choice so I’m trying to remain hopeful. I will definitely reach out.

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Thanks for sharing your first hand experience. It is refreshing to have posters comment about things they have lived and see adults show empathy

Particularly when dealing with the raw emotions surrounding waitlists and vulnerable young adults who have been through a tough cycle. Constructive suggestions!!

Your optimism juxtaposed against true informed insights is what CC is all about!!


Does Georgetown publish/provide the names/email addresses of the AO by region or school? Could you share the link if you have it handy?

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My daughter’s first choice is still Georgetown, and is on the waitlist. We. have not been able to find our AO by region on the website. Where is this information available? Thank you

Where is the list of Admissions Officers available? My daughter already confirmed her interest using the portal, gave supplementary information an additional letter of reference. Thank you in advance!