Georgia Tech Admissions Fall 2022


Great! Thank you!

Only 10 more days.

Odd though, that they picked a Friday. I think they’ve always done Saturdays in the past. Maybe just to meet the “before Mar 26th” deadline :slightly_smiling_face:


I am just glad we finally have a definitive answer!



And email:

Date: Thursday, March 17, 2022 15:08
Subject: Regular Decision Release Announcement

Thank you again for your application to Georgia Tech. We are currently in the process of holistically reviewing all remaining applications for our 2022 first-year class.

Admission decisions will be released Friday, March 25, 2022 at 7 p.m. ET via your admission portal.


View Decision Outcomes


Go Jackets!

Rick Clark
Assistant Vice Provost for Enrollment Management
Executive Director of Undergraduate Admission

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Any hints to look out for on the portal?

Can anyone access this link ( while logged into their GT account (different from application portal)? People on the EA thread were talking about it and while it was a small sample size, anyone who said they could access it was accepted/deferred.

not me. Are you able to?

I’m still able to log in into the site but don’t see the “pay now” button in OSCAR.

Where would that be?

I think that I haven’t made a GT account

Never mind, found an age-old email with the details. Yeah, I’m able to login

i was accepted EA2 and cannot log in


Okay, so seems meaningless. Thank you for clearing it up!

are you able to see the “pay now” thing a day before decision date in OSCAR?

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Also, is there anything that says “My Award Letter” in OSCAR? I don’t have it, but some people on Reddit did.

Where exactly is it located in?

not sure where to find that - i didnt do any of the portal stuff the day before. sorry!

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Does everyone see this when they click withdraw button on your portal?