Georgia Tech Deferred applicants thread

Thanks for the reply! :smile:

I ended up doing the same thing and Iā€™m hoping the summer program will be online so that I can visit family over the summer that I didnā€™t have a chance to see last summer due to Covid.

Good Luck!

Question: Apart from start time itself, is there any difference in the summer start vs the fall start?

Most take 2 classes plus a 1 hour seminar for total of 7-8 credits. Almost everyone takes a required English class. They are condensed into 6 weeks vs a semester. In a typical summer students live in one of two dorms. It may be virtual this summer though which has not been announced. Everyone I have ever heard of who goes to early admit summer loves it!

Thanks! This may be a stupid question but what happens after summer ends? Is it back to normal with everyone else?

Yes. There is a short break (2-3 weeks). You move out of your summer dorm when classes finish. 2-3 weeks later you move to your fall dorm with everyone else. Some people decide ahead of time to keep their roommate from summer into the fall. Others have a roommate starting in the fall so they switch roommates as well as rooms. I am pretty sure they donā€™t let you move directly from your summer dorm into your fall one but not positive about that.

Hey guys, if I selected no to the summer program on CommonApp, but yes on the deferral supplemental form, will they actually consider me for the summer program? I am hoping they do! Please let me know:)

I think so - that is why they ask the question again.

Awesome, thank you

Anyone know how many people (deferred plus RD) they are considering this round? Rick Clark said they will accept around 1000 more this year so that leaves roughly 4300 spots based on numbers admitted so far. That doesnā€™t sound like many :flushed:. I saw there were 17,000 RD applications. How many were deferred?

Good question. I donā€™t see any information on deferrals for EA1 or EA2.

I did see in 2019 they deferred 20 percent. Not sure with increase in applications what that means this year (although acceptance percentages remained the same as last year through ED).

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So would that calculate to roughly 1200 deferred EA1, 4300 deferred EA2 plus the 17000 RD applicantsā€¦ 23400 total applicants for about 4300 spots (from your post above)??

Based on last yearā€™s yield of 41%, they would accept about 10750 for those 4300 enrolled spots. Does that sound right? It seems like a higher acceptance rate than Iā€™d expect. Of course, we have no idea what they expect for yield this year with so many more applications.

The 4300 is the number of spots left based on last year total acceptances (8775) plus 1000 minus number already accepted which is around 5400. If they do in fact accept 1000 more this year there are roughly 4300 spots left to get to that number.

I donā€™t think you can guess because yield is so different in state or out of state. I think he said 70 percent instate accept - much much less out of state. Plus I am sure some of the deferred (and some of the accepted) have already pulled their application.

That would be an acceptance rate of roughly 18 percent (higher in state of course) for this round.

That makes more sense. I misinterpreted the 4300. Needed more coffee! I knew my logic wasnā€™t passing the ā€œsmell testā€. Ha. Thanks. It will be interesting to see how it plays out this year.

I know you have a son at Tech now. Is Tech one of your S21ā€™s top choices?

Favorite campus he has visited for sure. He is holding it very close to the chest but definite one of the top ones if not the top. He is a very low stress, happy go lucky kid and I think will be happy anywhere. If he gets in he will spend the night/weekend with his brother to get a real feel.

Got t

From GT?

What interesting timing!

That is lucky that he has the chance to spend real time on campus. Fingers crossed!

Same :crossed_fingers:t3::crossed_fingers:t3: He applied to 7 . In 4, 3 with merit, deferred at 2 (GT and UVA), and out at UNC Amazing choices. He will be happy wherever he goes :wink: