Georgia Tech Deferred Class of 2026

Indeed we are happy to be deferred with such a low success rate from our school. We didn’t rely too much on stats provided by the school. The zoning of our school changed as a very large oil company moved their headquarters here about 9 years ago. With that came a change in demographics and kids with very high aspirations. Our school counselors admitted that the workload on them changed also as a result.

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I like looking at this packet because at least I kind of know where my kid stands a chance. My son didn’t apply to Michigan (we had 7 kids commit last year) (or Caltech or MIT) but I think he’s got a shot at some others. We are kind of a feeder to UCB and UCLA but my son has that lower in his list.

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If you get to know students at Georgia Tech, you learn some interesting things. Ours met 6 who turned down MIT in favor of Georgia Tech — in just the first few months of attendance. These were not financially based decisions, either. It really is quite a place. My point is that while it’s disappointing to be denied admission, it shouldn’t be surprising. The college admissions game is not for the faint of heart, especially when dealing with top schools. It’s quite a shock for many kids who are used to being over-achievers. But they do get through it!


For us, 5 boys admitted 2022, 1 admitted 2023 transfer pathway (legacy), 1 deferred, 1 rejected.

4 girls applied. 3 deferred, 1 admitted (legacy with sibling there now).

In my humble opinion, the 3 girls at least equaled or surpassed the boys’ stats/ECs.
Small group I know, but that’s how it turned out.

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I was crying for like 2 hours when I saw my deferral. I got in EA to Caltech but I honestly would rather go to Georgia Tech. The environment I believe is way better. I live in a rural area so I thought I had a chance just because no one in my area is science oriented but I am OOS so :frowning_face:

You are just deferred. You have a good chance making it in RD. Good luck to you.

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It is 22% based on what I heard from the GA Tech admissions rep today. 12% accept, 12% pathway offers, 22% deferred, and 46% reject

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My son got deferred. He didn‘t activate oscar and didn’t apply for scholarships. Is this a filter that got him deferred?

Wonder what happened to the other 8%.

12% Pathway, additive to the 12% admitted, seems at odds with their press release:

Of the Early Action 2 admit pool, …13% received formalized transfer Pathway Offers

Based on this, looks like maybe I misinterpreted her statement. I think 12% of the offers are pathway, but offers is 12% of the applications. Remaining is split between deferred and rejections

At GT females have a 10 percent historic admission bump over males across majors. Until last year, they published very detailed admissions data but they have since locked that portion of their website. They also very actively recruit females who are admitted.

Every person I know who was deferred or rejected EA2 is male Every female I know who applied this round got in. :woman_shrugging:

Georgia Tech is an extremely difficult admit and is getting harder every year, particularly if you are outside of one of their targeted demographics for expansion (URM, first generation, female). For several years, it has gone way beyond grades and test scores. They are truly crafting a freshman class, looking for leaders who fulfill their mission statement.

Edited to add: the press’s release above identifies 6% of admitted EA2 students as first generation and 24% admitted EA2 as URM, which is consistent with their stated purpose of expanding access. I believe EA1 was the first time I have seen more females admitted than males. I haven’t seen that data for EA2.


Interesting about the gender blind. GT does not fall into that category!

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They locked the admission dashboard last year and to my knowledge they have kept it locked. I think that is unfortunate as it really did illuminate how Georgia Tech spreads their admissions across their class. It certainly made my son from last year feel better to know how many applicants and admits there were for his major.

I have been through this rodeo twice. One with a kid who was accepted early action and one who was deferred then waitlisted and offered a transferr pathway when the waitlist closed. The first kid was much easier😂

No. Has no impact at all. He was automatically applied for scholarships as an early action candidate.

Yes - this was also our takeaway from their webinars and other stuff on their admission website.
For those deferred and GT is your first choice, if you haven’t already done so, you may want to examine their mission statement, and review some of their webinars before writing your letter of interest. My kid was accepted EA2 at GT. It was unexpected, having been deferred at other EA universities. I have no secret sauce to offer - just some observations. They do value leadership in service to the community and if you can tie that in with your academics, and bring it out in your LOCI, that may be helpful. Look at specific programs/clubs etc. at GT that align with your interests that you pursued in high school.

Best of luck to all those who are deferred. I do think many will be accepted later. It was mentioned in one of their blog posts that their OOS yield is about 30% - so that means many of the EA2 admits may not end up taking the offer. They have limited FA for OOS students.

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Thanks. I think the key question most everyone has is the deferral percentage. Historically it has been 20% but just judging by this thread it feels a lot a higher!

That’s too bad. I’m in analytics and that was one of my favorite websites. The transfers within GT was also an enlightening dashboard. I hope they restore public access.

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Actually, I don’t think that’s accurate across the applicant pool. My daughter, as well as the daughters of @formydd, @advitha, @RSM, @DreamerMom (and maybe others on this thread that I missed) all got deferred.


That is accurate as far as people I personally know. The point I was trying to make is I don’t think you can draw conclusions from either this thread which is a very small portion of applicants or people I personally know ;). If the release graphic for EA2 is like EA1 it will show the percentage of females accepted.

Until they took down the admission data last year (which was so illuminating!), the admit rate for females was 10% higher across-the-board. That was a datapoint they tracked. At some point I am sure the number of female applicants and male applicants will be equal but historically not the case (again another datapoint on that data).

The fact remains that being deferred at Georgia Tech means you are immensely qualified and they believe you will be a valuable addition to the school. For our high stat kids (and I have one who shocked a lot of people when he didn’t get in) it is just hard to wrap your head around. For most of the kids who are deferred when you ask what they could’ve done differently the answer is honestly nothing.


Rightly said as “Nothing different” on what they could have done differently. We did have that conversation over the weekend. I had actually tried to make my daughter to remove couple of things from her calendar in 11th grade (and also in 12th grade) as it looked like she was squeezing in too many things. The ones she could have given up (Choir, Mock Trial, tutoring elementary kids) are the ones she enjoyed doing the most. These actually helped her keep up her energy.

Bottom-line: there is only so many openings available at GT or any other prestigious institutions, and there are a lot of great kids (good for our country’s future) vying for these openings. Hence, we should be expecting news like these. We are in CA and hopefully UCB, UCSD, and UCLA don’t do anything like this to her - it will be tough for me to console her as she has given her best with getting 4.0UW GPA in a demanding school with 17 NMSF.