<p>Hey, so there is about a week till admission decisions are released and I was wondering if people would give me a final yes or no. I thought I would post my whole transcript so that it would be accurate. Since I talked to the admissions lady for my district when she came to my school about how I did not learn how to study until after freshman year(she told me to email her what I said) , please take that into account. I also emailed her about me self studying for the Physics C exam because I could not take the class due to scheduling conflicts. My schedule just switched from block to year long for my senior year.</p>
<p>9th lit/comp-87
french 2-84
H physics science-77
H geometry-82
H french 3-82
World Geography-93</p>
10 lit/comp - 90
H french 4 -90
H alg 2 -92
World History-95
H French 5- 86</p>
<p>Am Lit/comp-93
H chemistry-94
H physics-95
H us history-91
H french 7 -90
AP French-93
H analysis-92
<p>Senior ( first semester) changed to year long from block, sent in when deferred
H World Lit -88
H government-97
AP chemistry -95
AP calculus BC Y-98
AP physics B -100</p>
<p>self studying for C exam for physics</p>
<p>SAT M-680 CR-580 W-580</p>
<p>Community tennis for 1 year
Varsity Tennis for 3 years (co-captain)
Leadership award for tennis Junior year</p>
<p>Beta Club 2 years( Board)
Science Honor Society
<p>Associate at Panera Bread
junior year and summer-20 hours a week
Senior year-10 hours a week (due to increase in work load)</p>
<p>Tech is my top choice. I was accepted to UGA early action but I really don't want to go there.I also was accepted to Auburn but can not afford to go there since I will get the hope in Georgia.I am also a girl( maybe that will help but probably not)</p>
<p>I say YES with like 85-90% confidence. You are a strong candidate!</p>
<p>I don’t know; I would say that you have a great shot, but it is not 90% sure like shark says.</p>
<p>Just going by the numbers (which is all you really can do), an 1840 SAT and a roughly 3.8 adjusted GPA puts you in the lower half of the admissions profile.</p>
<p>But we will see in about a week, right? I am in the same boat you are so good luck!</p>
<p>ya, i know my sat scores are low. but i hope they don’t reject me completely based on that. it just seems to me the people who get accepted due to only having high sat scores normally don’t do well (my friend got a 1450 but had a 3.5 GPA, went on to get zeros on tests in calc 2). im sure there are exceptions, but really SAT scores due not sum up how well someone will do in college.</p>
<p>I think you have a great chance. Im not sure about the whole selection process but I got in already with SATs 690M/680V/620W and 3.6 UW GPA. Similar ECs, one varsity sport, no working. Good luck! Selected major- Aerospace Engineering.</p>
<p>hey, everyone just predict what you think my admission status will read come march 15. i will let you guys know on that date if i am accepted/denied/waitlisted or whatever.</p>
<p>I think that the self-studying aspect helps you (to some degree) with the admissions department. It shows that you have ambition and that you are really dedicated to your education.</p>
<p>And no matter what anyone says about schools not considering certain URMs (ie. Ratio deficiencies, Race, etc.) in application decisions is full of it. The fact that you are applying to a school with a 70% to 30% M-F Ratio helps you, especially if you are going into Engineering because of the fact that schools need to hit a certain amount of every group to get more funding from the Gov’t and other sources. Simple as that.</p>
<p>If I were a betting man, I’d say you get in.</p>
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/georgia-institute-technology/876463-waiting-decision-chances-anyone.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/georgia-institute-technology/876463-waiting-decision-chances-anyone.html</a></p>
<p>3.77 GPA, 680 Math, EC’s = ok
580 CR = bad</p>
<p>I could see it go either way, but I’ll be nice and guess “in”.</p>
<p>ya, the sad thing is, the only time you need to be able to read/ write well is to get in ( quoted from Georgia Tech Grad)</p>
<p>That’s not true, but fighting a stereotype is like trying to move a mountain sometimes.</p>
<p>really? the required lit courses from what I heard only consist of Lit 1 and 2 for engineering majors. my friend who got a 90 in on level world lit at my high school easily managed high As in those courses his first year at Tech. But then again, he’s taking lit 2 focusing on Irish ghost stories.</p>
<p>You won’t need to write the Great American Novel while at Tech, but technical writing is a very important part of the engineering education. Many departments require you to take a technical writing course, and all grade your writing skills when submitting lab and research reports.</p>
<p>that makes sense. Thats why im determine to exempt chem 1 if I get accepted.</p>
<p>omg, 6 more days. I just wish I could find out already so I can start sleeping again!</p>
<p>Yeah, I know the feeling… Mostly cause I’m getting it too right about now.</p>
<p>ya, im a serious control freak, and since I do not control this, I freak out about it.</p>
<p>ilyssa1257, have we talked before? i’m pretty pleasantly shocked, because we have like… SUPER similar stats. my sat was 680M, 580R, but 670W and my gpa, i’m guessing, is like 3.8? except i’m not taking calculus… which i think would REALLY hurt my chances. ugh.</p>
<p>but we’re pretty much in this together, lol. i got accepted early to UGA, too, but i don’t really feel very comfortable going there as well. aaahhhh</p>
<p>ya, im too much of a math/science nerd to go to UGA :(</p>
<p>I carry not one, but two calculators in my purse…lol, a Ti-89, and a T-84 for when my teachers does not explain how to do stuff for a Ti-89. I can also do a 7 by 7 rubiks cube…I will not fit in a UGA!</p>
<p>HAHAHAHAHA. omg yeah… I love math and science. That’s why I’d major in Cog Sci at UGA
how about you?</p>
<p>I love rubiks cube.
but calculator games are better. LOL</p>