<p>chemical engineering…I <3 calculus chemistry, and physics…everything else is boring(Lit)
I have helped some of my friends at Tech with there Chem and physics Web assigns( really sad on their part lol).</p>
<p>ya, the only upside to UGA would be the food. which is like 100000000000000 better then Tech where they serve cat fish sticks??</p>
<p>chemical engineering at Tech
Chemistry at UGA</p>
<p>oh wow, that IS really sad (yep, on their part) that you’ve helped Tech students with chem/physics. but then maybe you’re just really great at it :D</p>
<p>are you thinking of transferring to Tech if you don’t make it as a freshman?</p>
<p>Well, the person I helped with Physics didnt take Physics in high school. I really dont know if I would transfer, because college is already difficult to adjust to, and I dont want to be worrying about getting accepted as a transfer. and I would probably try to get into the Honors college at UGA after my first semester there.
I would just be depressed, would have no motivation for the rest of high school if I didnt get in… since all the people I have stuff in common with will be going there, and i know im better at Calc/Chem/Physics then 75% of the people who will get accepted with better SAT scores then me.</p>
<p>test anxiety, and careless errors are huge for me. and im just not good at lit. I do really well in actual math and science classes where i can study the concepts that will be on the test, and I know I will do well at Tech just based on people I know who are doing will with similar abilities/work ethic as me. And I have a passion for math and science so it wont be a pain to spend 10 hours + a week studying if I really enjoy the material.I will mostly likely get a 5 on the BC exam too ( really good teacher who says A in his class =5). That does not say 680 on math to me. </p>
<p>I always had panic attacks during SAT and ACT critical reading too, especially if the first passage was hard. That is also why I do not want to be a writer/anything to do with english at all. Sure I will have to be a decent writer, but im not going to have to read critically and know pointless vocabulary.</p>
<p>BTW, why no Calculus?</p>
<p>10hrs+ isnt much though! I think I read somewhere that they study 40hrs+ there? I think. crazy. generally 25hrs+ for me haha… before I hit senioritis. =/ it’s slowly but surely killing me. foreal.</p>
<p>and yeah, SAT critical reading just really annoys me. I don’t even know why I do so badly on them, because I always read a looot and take notes before taking tests (at school) and I do just fine. ***. I don’t mind writing though :P</p>
<p>So, here’s my story behind not taking Calculus. I went to a pretty rigorous international school where juniors normally took “Functions, Statistics, and Trigonometry (FST)”… and seniors took Calculus/AP Calc. I had to move here my SECOND SEMESTER, so I had to take Trig. My Trig class here actually wasn’t all too easy, but I ended up with a 97 in the class
I transferred again as a senior to a school that just opened this year, and I was told literally a couple of weeks before school started that regular Calculus wasn’t going to be offered there (but AP Calc, yes). um, wow. and even though I got a 97 in Trig, everyone recommended people coming out of trig to not take AP Calc. So I ended up having to take AP Stats (fun class, though!).</p>
<p>the frustrating thing is, I could’ve chosen to take AP Calc… but I wasn’t motivated enough to do so. I actually never though I’d even apply to Tech/UGA because I simply didn’t think I was good enough for them… until my friend recommended me to, and sure enough, I got into UGA early :))) if I’d known I’d apply to Tech, I would’ve most likely taken AP Calc. I just fail at life, haha.</p>
<p>^wow my bad, i just typed up a freaking novel.</p>
<p>calc is hard coming from trig, i have a friend who got a 100 in Trig, and went on to get a 42 on the first BC calc test. (dont know how she did after that, but thats hard to come back from lol)</p>
<p>ya, 10+ isnt that much lol. I will just study untill i know the material well and do all the practice tests. Which is what I do for my AP classes anyway. I will just have to put more work into it. But my AP chem class is pretty much based on Chem 1 at Tech(except labs are easier in my class) . I sat in Chem 1 classes at Tech a couple of times and I knew everything the teacher was saying from my class.And honestly, from what I heard, the tests were easier because you could have a cheat sheet! seriously!</p>
<p>Im so nervous, im suffering from insomnia.</p>
<p>I think GT is a low reach for you and a 50-50 shot for accepted vs waitlisted.
Your grades are decent and your test scores are at about the 25th percentile.
I hope you get in because I think you would do quite well there.
It’s too bad about the test scores. Has your school sent many grads to GT?
If they have a history of doing well there, that could improve your chances.</p>
<p>ya, about 30 kids and 2 presidential scholars go each year</p>
<p>Ah! Then I’d move you to a high match/low reach.
Good luck!!!</p>
<p>ilyssa1257, did you get in? let me know!!</p>
<p>It says accepted when I did what veracity said!!!you???</p>
I’m so so happy for you!</p>
<p>I got accepted too! lol i don’t know if i’m going there though… but most likely so.</p>
<p>what is? the admission decision? I assume so… I mean it would be very unprofessional of them to change it.</p>
<p>yaa,soo excited! good guesses guys!</p>
<p>Thanks! Im sure u will get off the waitlist. most people do im sure.</p>
<p>? haha G.P. didn’t think you’d get in?</p>
<p>whoa I just had a major deja vu.</p>