Georgia Tech premed ?????

Hey everyone
So I just got into GT and was hoping from some advice by upperclassmen at GT who are premeds or anyone actually. So currently I am in the Dilemma of choosing in between Georgia Tech(more prestigious) and UGA(probably slightly easier to get higher GPA). So if one works really hard how likely is it to get a 3.8+ majoring in biology.
I understand that medical schools don’t care much for where you went but is it also true that the more rigor at tech would prepare me better for the mcat ??

Undergrads don’t prepare you for the MCAT.

How do they not??
Of course not specifically prepare you but I mean the general concepts and ideas are the same as far as I have heard except for of course maybe the reading but that also improves with all the reading you do anyways.

The premed prereqs are low level bio, chem, ochem and physics.