Germany Transcripts for Intern. Students

<p>Hey guys,</p>

<p>I'm an international student from Germany. I want to study in the US and i'm trying to apply with Commonapp.
I know that each Institution needs my grades from 9-12 grade. Can my counselor submit all the transcripts from his Common App Account and if so does he have to upload them in the translated version, german version or bolth.</p>

<p>I'd would be great if you could help me here i'm kind of lost here. </p>


<p>Yes, your counselor can upload pdf versions of your transcript from his Common App account. You definitely need an English transcript; adding the German report cards would be nice but that’s not always possible due to size constraints. (The transcript file can’t be bigger than 500KB.)</p>

<p>Hello b@r!um and Josh1323,
I called a few Ivy admission offices + the admissions office of UChicago and they told me that they only need my senior year transcript plus my abitur transcript. I’m confused!</p>

<p>If you get specific instructions, follow them.</p>

<p>The general Common App instructions say to include transcripts from grade 9-12 plus results from national exams, both from the end of high school (e.g. Abitur or A-levels) and the end of “lower secondary school” (e.g. O-levels, Mittlere Reife Pruefung if you had one in your state).</p>

<p>Ok thanks for the Info guys.</p>

<p>Do you also know, if a schoold in Germany for the Commonapp would be considered an International School. Because I know my counselor has to fill out an International Supplement, but he say It didn’t pop up. Could that be because he thought my school wasn’t an International school, but a normal german public school?</p>

<p>Yes, a German school is an international school. “International” in this context means anything other than American. Once your counselor checks the “yes, we are an international school” checkbox, he’ll be able to access the International Supplement.</p>

<p>Ok thanks man. You were really helpful :)</p>

<p>@manchego and Josh
Kind of late but hey, I am from Germany, too. May I ask you to which schools you applied in the US? :)</p>