
<p>I am going to Germany next semester. Has anyone here been to Germany, any experiences you can share? Any suggestions, tips, hints? Berlin to be exact..</p>

<p>Berlin's a great city, like every city in Germany it can be expensive though.
I don't really have any general tipps or suggestion, but if you have any specific questions I might be able to help.</p>

<p>Try posting in the International students forum. Some German students post there.</p>

<p>I’m doing a study abroad in Germany right now! I’m not in Berlin though, so I’m sure that will be a different experience in some ways. I know that I was really freaking out and wanted to know everything beforehand, but I guess my main advice is to just relax while you’re preparing. Luckily, Germany has a lot of similarities to the US so there isn’t a lot of cultural adjustment; however there are some surprising little things which are different. Also, there will be frustration and misunderstandings which you just have to live with. Make sure you get a BahnCard if you want to travel a lot. Don’t be afraid to talk in German or ask questions. I really stress the last part - don’t worry about looking dumb. Uni life is much more independent (not really a cafeteria system, for example), and there are very few campus sponsored events and community, so it can be hard to get to know people and find out about things at first. Bring some mementos from home - I’ve been having longings for kitschy American things which I never thought I’d miss. Try not to always hang out with Americans, but find connections to English speakers or events which can be a relief after days of speaking only German (I go to a once a week Stammtisch for German-English speakers). You can basically find every food you want here that you can get at home, though you may have to search a little harder for some things. I don’t know your language level, but if you aren’t planning to take a lot of language classes here, brush up on your grammar. I’ve been able to soak up lots of new phrases and words; however, not many grammatical structures and rules yet. My city has a very good bike infrastructure - I’m not sure how Berlin is, but it might be worth looking into getting a bike, since it is very convenient! Definitely let me know if you have any specific questions and I’d be happy to answer them!</p>

<p>I lived in Germany for a year, but near Dortmund/Cologne. Berlin can be expensive maybe, but it’s not the most expensive big city at all. You can find some really cheap and nice places. Do you know German? If you’re looking to learn, you need to speak it as much as possible. If you like beer, try a Radler (beer plus lemonade) or Diesel (beer plus cola). Germany is really similar to the US and a lot of people speak English. There are some differences, but you just have to be open to new things and flexible. Good luck! And don’t worry too much :)</p>