<p>Anyone not wanting to wait another day or two for AP's....
Use this proxy. Web</a> Proxy - Unblock YouTube and other sites! Type AP</a> Score in the line, and make sure you're on the New York server. Once you get past the "There's too many people trying to access their scores" page (be persistent!), click on the AP Student logo in the top left. There's a sign in box on the right side of the screen. Afterwards it'll ask you to confirm your password, but don't worry about that, just go back to the homepage (literally go back in your browser). Find the tab that says "Scores" and now you can view them. </p>
<p>This was the only option for me, the website kept freezing on the same page if I tried to directly log in or confirm a password. </p>
<p>Good luck, hopefully this works for other fretting souls like me!</p>
<p>I got through, finally, but when I clicked on “View Your Scores” the page just refreshes.</p>
<p>Just go on a road trip. I have a friend in Kentucky who went on a four hour trip to get “breakfast” in West Virginia solely so she could check her AP scores. The price of gas must’ve been worth it, since she beasted on all of her exams. LOL.</p>
<p>That’s why you have to go to the homepage from the logo link in the top left, you can’t directly view your scores. Instructions at the top!
Good luck!</p>
<p>Oh, oops. Finally got through and did that.</p>
<p>Yeah this doesn’t work for me. Whatever</p>
<p>Did you follow everything exactly? It’s a very peculiar system right now… I’m sorry though!</p>
<p>I got to the point where you click on AP scores but they did not come up…</p>
<p>Got it, you need to click the link “view your scores”</p>
<p>Stuck at verifying password. Doesn’t work.</p>
<p>I get to the verify your ap profile, but when I choose to select a high school, it says error-the transaction has already been completed. Or sometimes it refreshes the page. Anyone else have this problem and get past it?</p>
<p>Can’t you people just wait? Your scores are not going anywhere.</p>
<p>We’ve already waited long enough, plus it seems the problems that are coming up are due to the site and not the method. </p>
<p>If it asks you to verify your password, you don’t need to. Just go back to the AP homepage, it’ll be logged in.</p>
<p>I’m stuck at the high school name part because it claims that there is a transaction error. Please help.</p>
<p>Lol they offer you early access and you want to get it even earlier? Ok.</p>