Hello. I will be a sophomore next year at a CUNY college. My question is if I should continue the 4 years and get my Business degree, or if I should transfer to makeup school.
I know for a fact that even if I got my business degree, in the future, I will want to work in a makeup company, or start off with cosmetic sales. I have a passion for makeup, and I found a great school that specializes in makeup. It is Make-up Designory (MUD) in NYC. It is not a typical beauty school that focuses on cosmetology.
I don’t know if it will be better for my future to get a Business degree or just transfer to MUD without finishing my 4 years in college. Honestly, I feel very bored in college, and I don’t find my classes interesting because they’re not what I care about. I’d much rather spend a whole day just learning makeup techniques, because that is what I love to do.
If you have read this far, thank you so much, and please give me your honest opinions on a few questions:
- Should I continue my degree or transfer to makeup school?
- Is it possible to take one year off my college, go to makeup school, and come back to my college to finish my degree? Do you think fafsa covers that? And do you think that's a better idea as opposed to not finishing my degree?
- Honestly, how important is a college degree (specifically in Business)? Will I not be able to have a high-paying career if I don't have a degree?
I plan on finishing my sophomore year because my fafsa is already applied to it. So that means I’ll have 2 more years of college left, or forget the 2 years, and go to MUD.
Thank you. I appreciate your opinion, as long as they’re real and thought, and not some rude remark.