Get Off The Website!

<p> crashed :'-(</p>

<p>I Hate This</p>

<p>let's not touch it for ten minutes, and then we'll start to stagger on. Seriously, I know this is SOOOOOO painful but this many epople just can't access it at once</p>

<p>dang it...this is so annoying!!</p>

<p>i can not believe this. omg i almost died. i logged in and all i saw was sorry in the tab bar. then "sorry the website doesn't work came up"</p>

<p>.........awww sweatpants......</p>

<p>ok so do we just wait - -</p>

<p>yea, as much as I'm DYING I shut down all cornell-related sites.... 15 more minutes won't kill us</p>

<p>im dead
your all invited to my funeral</p>

<p>freaking hate them</p>

<p>well, if we don't get in we can take comfort in the fact that the people running it are incompetent haha.</p>

<p>anybody interesting in computer software engineering??? I think cornell needs a hand</p>

<p>You guys think this sucks? Whenever I have to register for classes with CourseEnroll, Cornell's servers die too. HAHA. LIVE WITH THE LAG! </p>

<p>Good luck to you guys! I was in your seat about two years ago....</p>