Get On Board Day 2012-13

<p>Talked w/ son about GOB Day, today. He said it was pretty packed. There is so much to do at UA, and he found it difficult to pick and choose between so many fun things. He signed up for 2 additional groups/things that he is interested in (in addition to what he is already involved in on campus). I hope to hear from more of you about how your students thought it went, especially those families whose students might have been struggling to find their niche at first.</p>

<p>My D reported that she got three free t-shirts, two cups, a stress ball, a bunch of coupons, free food, oh, and she signed up for the kayaking club :)</p>

<p>My son enjoyed it. He signed up for a service club and he was excited because the young man he spoke with asked him if he would be willing to take on a leadership role. He will be helping them with marketing and is so excited. </p>

<p>As I posted in a different thread, my son experienced a week of being homesick and doubting his choice of school and himself. It was so difficult for DH and me because he’s always been the outgoing and über confident kid. Thankfully, that phase only lasted a week and he is back to normal. He loves, loves, loves Bama, has “a thing” with a girl (is that the new description of dating?), is enjoying his first week of pledgeship, likes his classes, and is all around happy. </p>

<p>The old adage - you’re only as happy as your happiest child - is so true, I can happily report that I’m very happy. :)</p>

<p>I hope all of the other CC students and parents are feeling the same happiness!</p>

<p>My son’s text to me about get on board day: </p>



<p>He is such a creep. I only believe about 25% of that statement. </p>

<p>He did try to find one of the professional organizations for his major that was supposed to be there, but he could not find them. He is going to go to their first meeting to figure out if he wants to participate.</p>

<p>Vlines- Do you think he’s enjoying teasing you along? I’m sure my kid does.
Me: Did you get the package?
DS: I had to wait over an hour in line
Me: How are the sheets I sent you?</p>

<h2>DS: Striped</h2>

<p>Me: Does Bama have a ski club?
DS:Probably but I haven’t seen it.</p>

<p>absolutely, sactonative, that is why I only believe 25% of his statement. </p>

<p>He is also the kind of kid that does not get excited about something on paper. He needs to see it. And he will sit back and watch and figure out who he wants to align with. </p>

<p>So I am not really surprised by his limited reaction. </p>

<p>Honestly, I am just happy he went!</p>

<p>sactonative: LOL - I’ll add last night’s text:</p>

<p>Me: You miss me yet? Everything ok?
DS: Ys
Me: Could your reply be ANY shorter? Sheesh.
DS: Y</p>

<p>LOL nrdmom…that falls into the “ask a stupid question, geta stupid answer” category!!! LOL again!</p>

<p>NRDMom- sounds like you might have been texting my son by mistake ;-)</p>

<p>“you are only as happy as your happiest child.”</p>

<p>i have never heard the saying, but wouldn’t it more likely be, “you are only as happy as your saddest child?” if one was elated and the other, sad, i think i would be sad.</p>

<p>That’s so funny. I always get the response “yup” - to every question I ask via text. Last night he actually texted an entire sentence. Color me shocked (and thrilled! He’s smart, though. He has set the bar very low. Doesn’t take much from him to make me happy at this point.)</p>

<p>No Kidding! If it weren’t for you guys (and my fabulous room-mommies) I would be in psychotherapy right about now for shockingly low self-esteem.</p>

<p>My D had an evening class so didn’t get to GOBD until later. She said most of the free stuff was gone and that a bunch of the clubs had already packed up and weren’t out there for the entire 5-10 time. She had already signed up for a couple things but still managed to sign up for one more at GOBD.</p>

<p>Mike- thanks for the correction, lol! I must not have had enough coffee when I wrote that. Sometimes I wish I could be the mom who could ignore her saddest child, fortunately those sad times are few and far between.</p>

<p>So true. What is it with this generation and making you feel like you are pulling teeth when they talk to you. I will ask:</p>

<p>Me: “Did you talk to so and so about xyz”?"
S: “No, I need to do that later”
Me: “When will then be now?”
S: “idk”</p>

<p>Absolutely maddening… LOL</p>

<p>I asked D1 about GOBD last night; she said it was super crowded, couldn’t get near the tables & she left after 5 minutes. She’s already plugged into a couple of things so it’s not that big of a deal, but it looks like when you go is a big factor. </p>

<p>Isn’t there a Spring semester version?</p>

<p>Yes, there will be one in the Spring. It is typically held in the 3rd floor ballroom in the Ferguson Center the second week of classes.</p>



<p>Textaholism and Twitteritis have replaced actual conversation with grunts. It’s very retro and Flintstonian.</p>

<p>I’m a great believer in teaching empathy via experiential education. </p>

<p>Text Example:</p>



<p>^^^^ That is so funny…I would like to steal for my DS and me…Anyone else not allowed to follow their DS or DD on Twitter?</p>

<p>^^me. He does not have his account blocked, so I can still see, but not “follow” so I have real time info. Creep.</p>