Getting a D in Calc BC for Princeton

Teacher does know impact and I found out 1 week before I posted thread. My daughter told me after she received the grade back on her 2nd test(did not tell 1rst since she thought it was fluke).

I hope if nothing else, your daughter learns the importance of transparency and to not be afraid to ask for help at the first sign of trouble. Even if she felt the D was a fluke, it is a grade that was doing to be averaged into her semester grade.

Is there a math teacher in the school or in your network that she can work with?

Again, please check out or . I know it can cost money, but Princeton is one of the most generous colleges out there. if by a horrible chance she does get rescinded, you are very unlikely to get such good financial aid from any other college. It is definitely worth spending money on a tutor NOW to get her grade up to a C.


The New 2023 AP Practice session videos have been posted on youtube


@Angue how is your daughter doing? Did she ever check with Princeton? Have you been able to find a different tutor for her?

I think your kid needs someone stronger than a peer tutor. I hope you have found a strong tutor who can help your daughter fill in the blanks for what she is having difficulty with.

Pleaseā€¦if you havenā€™t already found a grown up math specialist tutor alreadyā€¦do this NOW.


Princeton gives only need based aid. Your aid is based on your financial need, not your daughterā€™s grades.

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Hey - howā€™s everything going for your daughter?

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She ended up getting a D+ as a final grade and is under review by Princeton.

I hope it all works out!


Hope the review goes quickly and positively for you all! Sending good vibes:)


Assuming she took the AP test, Iā€™m wondering if Princeton is waiting on that for the final review. Hopefully she got a 4 or 5, that could really help. Good luck!


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m guessing aswell. Daughter said it was hard but easier than in class test


What is the plan if Princeton doesnā€™t happen ? I hope there was an alternative plan just in case.

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Not sure, sheā€™s expressed desire to not go to college at all if she doesnā€™t get in and just getting job out of high school, but Iā€™m not going to input until we get decision back.

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Best of luck to your daughter - keep us posted!


my 2 cents as a student - she needs to change things up. Find a different tutor, and/or a study group. Figure out something new/different with her learning approachā€¦ assess how sheā€™s completing homework, inquire about additional homework / practice tests. Sheā€™s gotta be willing to go back to the drawing board.

The bigger concern is the Princeton or bust mindset. She will regret it if Princeton doesnā€™t happen.

Life is about challenges. This is one of many to come.

But hopefully sheā€™s gets in. But if not hearing about her friends experiences will make her realize she could have had alternatives.

But if sheā€™s strong, sheā€™ll bounce back next year - if it even comes to that.

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I would also not be focusing on finding other options either until I heard back from Princeton.

Hopefully things will work out for the OP. In the event of an issue, the OP can always take a gap year and reapply to a wider range of schools.


At this point yes. I agree.

B4 I would disagree. But each kid and family and each kidā€™s mental health status is different.

Obviously no one who has gotten into Princeton expects a D so I understand the level of shock.

And at 17/18 the brain isnā€™t wired to handle this level of shock but how does a student react when they are laid off and the finances are strained or a spouse or bf/gf separates from them , crashes a car or any crazy stuff that happens in life. We all have to handle strife daily and we all do so differently. But itā€™s different at 50 than 17 and I get that.

This is horrible but unfortunately will not be the only or even worst strife the student experiences.

But yes at this time the only real solution is to wait and hope it somehow works out.

Iā€™m sure Princetonā€™s goal is to admit the student.