Getting a D in my class on my senior year

I recently got a D in my AP Biology Class and it is just a horrible grade for me to get during this time. I applied for UCR, UCI, CSULB, CSUF, Cal Poly Pomona and I am afraid that it will have a large negative impact on me. The teacher this year was truly horrible, she gives the class a tough time, reasons why is because she does not properly lecture us (she reads off the of power point), the time management is horrible (we end up working on a lab for a few days when it should not be taking that long), she has this attitude to the point that some of our classmates are afraid to ask her a question, she sometimes does not allow us to look at our classmates’ NOTES, she does not go over the tests that most of the class had a low grading average, and you know that she is bias towards the high scoring students to the low. Yet I do put some blame on myself because my quality work was not good enough for her and my low scoring test, I could not manage my time for sports because I felt tired after games and practices, and the fact that most of the class passed with a C and a few got a B or an A. I really don’t know what to do now. I got a D in my record, I will be losing my California Scholarship Federation, my dreams of going to a UC and few of my CSU is pretty much gone. Any advice?

Getting a D Senior year, especially for the UC’s could result in your acceptances being rescinded. For the UC’s, you need to notify them of the D.

If there are changes to your academic record…

Freshmen: If you change schools, add or drop a course, or fail to earn a C or better in a course after you submit your application, you must notify the UC Application Center by email or postal mail. Your correspondence must include your name, UC Application ID number and your signature (if you mail a letter), and will be available to all the campuses to which you applied.

If you receive an offer of admission, be sure to confirm with the campus admission office that they are aware of the deficient grade or schedule changes. Although you must notify the campus of these changes, we cannot guarantee that a campus can go back to review an application after correspondence has been received. Make sure to save a copy of your correspondence just in case.


Postal mail:

UC Application Center
P.O. Box 1432
Bakersfield, CA 93302

For the Cal states, you should also contact each school and see what your options are in trying to makeup the grade.
Some may let you retake the course during the summer or you might want to consider retaking the class on-line to replace the grade.

Any chance you can do some extra credit and bump it up to a C-? Have you asked your GC to possibly help?