Getting a D second semester

<p>I’m on the verge of a C-/D+ in my IB Physics HL class for 2nd semester. Would a D in this class cause UC’s to withdraw my acceptance even if it isn’t an A-G required course? Or should I just drop the class? Help please…</p>

<p>second semester kind of just started, can't you raise it?</p>

<p>Well yes, but this is after 2 tests and normally in our physics class, raising a grade is almost impossible. You'd have to do really well on the tests and only like 1 person ever gets an A. I have to make my decision to drop the class or not by Friday which is why I'm asking now.</p>

<p>Drop it before its too late if you don't think you can raise it.</p>

<p>It depends on the UCs. UCLA/UCB want 3.0 uw.</p>

<p>D is a bad thing in any UC besides maybe third tier. The argument that it isn't an A-G class just doesn't fly. If you can drop it, drop it. Otherwise, be prepared to write letters to UCs. I'm not trying to scare you, I had to deal with something on a related note last year, and it is NOT fun waiting out senior year summer seeing whether or not my UC rescinded me or not.</p>