Getting a Good Score in One Sitting

<p>Hi! So I'm a junior this year and have taken the ACT twice already (September and October
Sept. 31C 34E 28M 34R 26S 8W, Oct. 29C 32E 28M 27R (I gave up during it lol) 29S 10W)
So all the colleges I want to apply to superscore.... Except 1 of them! I really want to get a 30+ in each section but I'm really worried I won't be able to. I know I need to work on math and science and bought the Barrin's book for them. But the one college that doesn't superscore (UF) also requires writing. So I need to retake the writing for them. Ugh, I'm just really frustrated right now and worried I won't be able to get good scores in one sitting

<p>Yes you will get a good score. Stop stressing and start practicing. </p>

<p>I took the ACT once and got a 31, I totally ignored it for a month then retook it and got a 33 the second time. Sometimes you really just get lucky with the tests, or are more alert when taking it. So just take it again if you’re unhappy with your results, and don’t worry too much about it, you’ll be fine.</p>