Getting a head start on AP's

<p>Would anyone here recomend buying AP prep books over the summer to get a jump on the material before school in the fall?</p>

<p>I was gonna do that...but I don't think it wouldn't really help. By the time of the test, you will have forgotten most of the material, even if you reviewed towards the latter part of the school year.</p>

<p>Anyone else?</p>

<p>well... when i took apush we did 6 chapters over the summer as part of our summer reading, and it kind of sticks, so if you want to jump ahead and you're self-studying i'd recommend it, but if you're going to be in a class and you're going ahead of the material you might get bored.</p>

<p>relax and enjoy the summer...there will be plenty of time to study in september</p>

<p>If you plan on buying the prep. books at some point or another, I don't see why you can't now. Buy the books are read through them at a casual pace.</p>

<p>I would just relax over the summer--if you have summer work, that's more than enough extra-cirricular AP work.</p>