Getting a job with the IRS?

I am considering going for accounting. I was wondering if anyone knows the procedures the IRS takes to hire a prospective accountant? I can see on their website some info here and there but it doesn't say if a background check is required. </p>

<p>Do they require personal refrences? Character refrences? I want to be a special agent, but I don't want them to have to talk to my family, do they talk to everyone you knew to do a background check?</p>

<p>I have never got in trouble in school, I have no criminal background and my grades are good. Most of my old teachers from high school liked me, but I don't really have anyone to use as a personal refrence without myself being embarrassed. And also I may be concerned about a few family members whom may say bad things about me because they (quite possibly are) "out to get me".</p>

<p>So whats the hiring procedure? I'm a good guy, I should be able to get a job like this, its in line with my talents and abilities and I'm hardworking and honest!</p>

<p>Go to</p>

<p>I did, but it doesn’t list the hiring procedure, its either vague, or exclusive to some job. What are the universal requirements?</p>

<p>Admittedly, going through the web site isn’t as easy as it was before when folks can go to the agency.</p>

<p>Here is the the url for the eight “easy” steps that IRS recommends:[Eight</a> Easy Steps](<a href=“]Eight”></p>