Getting ahead in math in high school?

<p>So at my school I am trying to really get ahead in math, but I've been having some trouble in doing so. I'm trying to because I really enjoy math and I'm very good at it, but I find my current math class easy, and I want to try to make use of my full potential to get as far ahead as possible. I'm currently taking Precalculus as a sophomore, but I'm self studying calculus for the calculus CLEP exam about two months from now. I was originally planning on taking calculus II over summer, but the the college I was planning on taking it at doesn't offer Calc II as a summer course, so I'm considering taking an online calc BC course, so I can just take the AP exam and get credit for Calc II in order to take Calc III as a junior. After that, I'm not really sure what to take and I'm not sure if my school offers any math classes past calc III because the most accelerated math program goes like this:
Algebra 1; 7th grade
Geometry; 8th grade
Algebra 2; 9th grade
precalculus + intro to calc; 10th grade
AP Calculus BC; 11th grade
Calculus III at local college; 12 grade
I was thinking something like Linear Algebra, or Differential Equations would be next, but I'm not sure if my school would allow it because nobody's finished calc III until the end of their senior year so they don't have any kinda program for it.. What should I do?</p>

<p>Talk to your school, but those seem like logical choices. Also discrete math.</p>