getting an F in gym, please comment

<p>To Blue Box,
Previous scores WERE estimates, the second scores are real. Also I believe that I addressed some of your inquiries better in the parents' forum thread. And furthermore, I really don't care what the hell her IQ is now. I was making a comparison, i.e. that she was identified early by her school as a particularly smart kid and now.....<br>
Based on earlier achievement, she was quite accelerated upon entering high school. IMHO, there is a huge rebellion factor here. After tearing out my hair many a night, talking with her, disciplining her, having progress and setbacks and so forth, I think I understand pretty well what happened, am less clear about what if anything I can do about it now. </p>

<p>In any case, I digress... I started this thread with a more focussed question.
Thanks to everyone who has responded, even the very negative responses. All points of view are helpful in a situation like this. I'll give you an update when I have news.</p>

<p>I don't think that the admissions committees will care about the F as a grade per se...I think that the F in gym will raise two other concerns instead:</p>

<li><p>why was the student so severely behind in academic class(es) that she needed to consistently skip gym to keep up? Was it an academic issue or a time management issue or a maturity issue? The fact that she consistently needed to skip gym is not a good sign.</p></li>
<li><p>if the student just used academics as an excuse to skip gym, it also brings attitude and maturity issues to the fore. Gym is not difficult...all you need to do is show up.</p></li>

<p>I realize it's "just gym" but it's a class with bare minimum requirements...I don't think adcoms will be favorably impressed by the attitude conveyed.</p>

<p>Yes. Exactly. That's my opinion also. Just wanted comments. Appreciate all of them.</p>

<p>Not to be disrespectful or to go on a tangent, but could you stop mentioning IQ? IQ tests are a joke and should not be taken seriously. They are flawed, outdated, and unrealistic.</p>

<p>"2. if the student just used academics as an excuse to skip gym, it also brings attitude and maturity issues to the fore. Gym is not difficult...all you need to do is show up."</p>

<p>This is the big one, imo. If she has decent grades in everything else but is failing gym, it conveys a message of "I'm too good for gym"</p>

<p>For those who want to know the outcome of the "F in Gym" story, we were able to get the F off the transcript. However, the other grades have shown enough of a tumble for us to regroup and reconsider where and even why our DD should go to college. The "why" question is a worthwhile one to ask in situations like hers. I am sure our DD is going to take a way different path to adulthood than most, and we hope and pray she learns some good lessons along the way.
Thanks for all your opinions and support.</p>

<p>Thanks for the update. I'm sure your D will grow into her adulthood.</p>

<p>so many parents here... wheres that really famous one? ParentOfIvyHope.</p>

<p>wow, how did you get it off the transcript?</p>

<p>are you sure her IQ is correct? i heard somewhere that girls at a younger age because their brains develop faster score higher on tests but eventually their male counterparts catch up and even exceed them</p>

<p>IQ scores can change over the course of life. ESPECIALLY childhood IQ scores are more likely to change (up or down) than to stay the same.</p>

<p>Applemom, </p>

<p>I admire you for reaching out for help, knowing that some here would be negative. I suspect that quite a few student stories on CC are, shall we say, sanitized a trifle. What a lot of perfect students post here, to be sure.</p>

<p>If your daughter is young for her grade, then her academics and her attitude might turn around after a gap year or two. Not everyone is ready to attend college right out of high school. I know I wasn't.</p>

<p>If she hasn't had recent psychological/educational testing done, that could be something to consider, though it can, unfortunately, be expensive. She might have some gaps that could be remediated.</p>

<p>Best of luck to you and to her.</p>