Getting Around A&M

<p>Do you think it's vital to have a car?
Would the buses and walking be okay? </p>

<p>This is the perspective of a student living on campus. :)</p>

<p>I guess the only places I would want to go to besides school-related areas would be church and shopping? Is there even a mall in College Station/Bryan? I am a n00b to the area haha. I am going to visit in October or November-ish.</p>

<p>Hi, peachers,</p>

<p>You can get around town fairly well between walking, biking, and using the bus system (there’s even a route that goes to Post Oak Mall) [Bus</a> Routes • A&M Transportation Services](<a href=“]Bus”>Bus Routes • A&M Transportation Services). You can also coordinate ride-shares at [Rideshare</a>, carpool at Texas A&M University - Zimride](<a href=“]Rideshare”></p>

<p>If I was living on-campus, my biggest gripe would be that there aren’t any grocery stores within walking distance, but there are convenience stores on campus and even a farmer’s market.</p>

<p>Hope this helps!</p>

<p>Jon Kotinek
Associate Director
Texas A&M University Honors and Undergraduate Research</p>

<p>Thank you for your reply! I didn’t know there was a framers market. That really excites me now. :slight_smile: </p>

<p>If anyone else has some input, please do comment.</p>

<p>Where is the farmers market on campus?</p>


<p>The farmer’s market is typically set up each Thursday in front of Sbisa Dining Hall: [</a>" + artTitle.replace(“-”,“”) + " - " + “The Battalion” + " - " + “Classifieds” + "](<a href=“]”></p>

<p>If you’re looking for fresh veggies on a more regular basis, you can check out the Farm Patch or a CSA. </p>

<p>Hope this helps!</p>

<p>Jon Kotinek
Associate Director
Texas A&M Honors and Undergraduate Research</p>

<p>My advice: get a bike :). It makes getting around campus so much easier, and it’s often just as fast to get to HEB as taking the bus. But please wear a helmet, and don’t run stop signs, red lights, ride on the sidewalks, or go the wrong way on Ireland St. in front of Blocker ;).</p>

<p>You should be fine without a car as long as you live on campus. Bus routes will take you pretty much anywhere else you need to go, but be sure to keep an eye on the schedule. The buses run more infrequently after 6pm and on the weekends. I’ve been stranded a few times and had to walk home. If you move off-campus, a car becomes more of a necessity.</p>

<p>Post Oak mall is on Harvey road and Hwy. 6. There is a bus that goes there, but I’d recommend trying to get a ride with a friend so you don’t have to wait on the bus.</p>