Getting around campus (car, moped, etc.)

<p>Hi all! I am going to be a freshman this fall, and I will be living in Lakeshore. I had really wanted to live in Southeast because I love the urban atmosphere and the close proximity to everything, and I am worried about how much trouble it will be getting around campus. Everyone has told me that Lakeshore is far away from everything. Is it hard to get around campus? Do I need a bike? How about a car, or moped? Do people take buses, or will people think I am lazy for taking the bus? I am worried about all this.</p>

<p>Also..since the campus is so big, what do people in Lakeshore do? At my sister's college, since it was so small, she would go back to her dorm between classes and take a nap or get lunch. But in Madison since it's so big I am guessing people probably don't do they just pack up everything they need for the day when they leave for class, hang out around the Southeast area for a while and then go home back to Lakeshore? What about after class or between classes, what do they do/where to they go?</p>

<p>I like to visit the Capitol, and State Street, and I heard there is a farmer's market there. But is it kind of out of the question to visit these places for me, since I am living in Lakeshore and am so far away?</p>

<p>How you spend your time depends on your schedule. It is possible to have a two or more hour gap between classes and to return to the dorm you live in. I lived in Lakeshore dorms back when and it isn’t that hard to walk everywhere. It can be nice to walk out of your dorm and be in pleasant surroundings, and closer to Picnic Point. Friends lived in Barnard and it was easy enough to stop by there and walk on State St, they had the trek to the Lakeshore dorms before heading further west. Each dorm and dorm area has its pros and cons. Don’t worry about being away from things- many other students live where you will. </p>

<p>I don’t see any need for a moped. You are then stuck parking it in an available parking spot and that could be inconvenient in getting from one class to the next. Some ride the free campus bus but it could be full or the timing off. It is possible to get from one end of campus to the other in the 15 allotted minutes (the resulting odd start times with 50 min periods will be etched in your brain decades later), I had to do that 3 times per week one semester only. Consider the walking good, needed exercise. It is only a mile from lower State St to the Capitol square and the market is on the weekend. You can bum around State St after having a class in a nearby building. I liked the large space on campus- plenty of room to roam and explore. You will discover your favorite study places (I stayed on the floor since everyone else went to Steenbock Library and it was quiet) for days and nights. There is a learning curve but it all works out. </p>

<p>Some people choose to use a bicycle. There are plenty of hills and snowy winter days to consider. If you do bring a bike they told the parents (and presumably the students, we were separate) at SOAR to bring a cheap bicycle that wasn’t worth stealing. You will discover many shortcuts from point A to B, some difficult with a bike or impossible with a moped.</p>

<p>Don’t worry about things, they will work out. Students can tell you their experiences. I wonder how many are busy with their summer and ignoring this site for awhile…</p>

<p>One thing I found very handy was renting a locker in the Union. You can drop off stuff you don’t need and pickup items you want. Very cheap. Obviously also a good place to relax or study between classes and grab a bite or some coffee.</p>

<p>For sure you don’t need a car or moped in the dorms. There is place to park the moped by your dorm, but not many people have them. A car would only be useful if you need to drive way off campus a lot, taking it to classes doesn’t make sense. I walked from lakeshore all year (west kronshage), it was fine, went back between classes. Walks were about 10-15 minutes each way (chem/psych was maybe 12-13 for a reference point). It seems like a lot at first but you get used to it fast.</p>

<p>I think a bike is the best way to get around, personally. It’s just so much faster than on foot. Compared to a moped, a bike is more work and a little slower, but bikes can go places mopeds can’t. A lot of people bring bikes, but most people don’t leave them over the winter. </p>

<p>Some people took the bus everywhere, I didn’t that much. A bus runs past lakeshore every 6 minutes during the day. They can be crowded, occasionally full, but are an option.</p>

<p>So, no need to get a car or moped, bring a bike if you want to, otherwise you can walk or take the bus. During the day, you can definitely go back to your dorm if you have a break, if it’s only an hour maybe not. You can eat in any dining hall you want too. You’ll figure it out, just not right away.</p>