<p>A brand new grad admit, where do ppl like to hangout on campus? Is it Tresidder Union or is there any other place? Any places to eat on campus while attending school that's cheap and good? Also, is it suggested to get a bicycle as well? </p>
<p>I hope they give a tour of the whole school, but I figure it's too big to do that. Do they have pick up soccer games on campus and where? Do you have to pay for gym membership and where is it located?</p>
<p>Thanks for the input.</p>
<p>Old Union and Tresidder are probably the two that people most frequently hang out at (other than residences). There are lots of good restaurants all over campus (though not all what you might call ‘cheap’)–Axe & Palm, the Treehouse, Subway, Fraiche, some other eateries in Tresidder (like Chinese food, etc.), Olives, Thai Cafe (on hiatus for part of next year), the 750, and more. Check out Stanford dining for more info.</p>
<p>It’s highly suggested that you get a bike. Some students get along just fine without a bike–they just walk. Many students also longboard or skateboard. But the majority of students have a bike. With a campus as large as Stanford’s, a bike is a very good idea. You can buy new and used bikes from the store, as well as from bike shops in Palo Alto. You might also check supost.com or craigslist for some other cheap options.</p>
<p>There is no tour of the whole school, though the tours they do give cover a good portion of the important areas of campus. There are tons of intramural sports, including soccer, and lots of other groups you might be involved in (like your residence, or a frat you’re affiliated with, etc.) will have pick-up games.</p>
<p>Gym membership is free; it’s the Arrillaga Center for Sports and Recreation, and it’s right next to the admissions office and the Ford Center, on Campus Drive East (right near the Alumni Center).</p>
<p>thanks my man, it’s been helpful.</p>
<p>A car is nice but not “required”. Palo Alto and Menlo Park have lots of restaurants and stores and the Stanford Mall has most stores you will need ($), A bike will get you to all including my old favorite Jack in Box. A car is nice and will get you to San Fran or beach on weekends.</p>
<p>ps Congrats</p>
<p>There are also a ton of pickup soccer games. I know of at least one group that plays twice a week but there are a bunch of different groups. I also highly recommend signing up for a stanford athletics soccer class. They make for a great laid back atmosphere to play.</p>