<p>I'm considering Tulane as my top choice, and i'll be visiting for the destination tulane thing in march. my question is, is a car necessary to be able to get around? i'm coming all the way from southern california, so i'm not too sure what to expect. i imagine i'll want to get around town or small things like that, so do i need to bring a car with me or not? thanks in advance for any help!</p>
<p>Not at all. The campus is really condensed, not too condensed though, and the trolly cars go right in front of Tulane along St. Charles Ave. My dad and I did not have a car when we went down there last summer and we got around just fine. We took a cab if we couldn’t use the trolly system. My only suggestion is to have a car if you are going to stay out late. Other than that it really isn’t hard to get around.</p>
<p>Although if you are staying out very late a car might noit be the best form of transport…</p>
<p>true that, I’m just saying that New Orleans has not made a full recovery yet and there are still some bad parts, and as long as your not “staying out real late” then it might be a little better than staying out and trying to get around…</p>
<p>While it’s true that you do not need a car to visit the campus, it might make sense to do the math. If you can get a good deal on a rental car - sometimes it makes sense after you factor in transportation to and from the airport, to and from campus, and if you want to visit other areas of the city that are not on the cable car route (net against hotel parking charges).</p>
<p>woops, looks like i was a little unclear. I mean as a student is a car necessary? not for the visit, that we’ll figure out :)</p>
<p>Definitely not. The street cars come fairly often, right by campus.</p>
<p>A car would probably be nice, and finding parking on campus is easy, but it’s by no means necessary.</p>
<p>New Orleans is probably the smallest big city in the country from a geographical standpoint. You can bike across pretty much the entire city and the street cars run anywhere you would need to go from campus.</p>
<p>OP - The short answer to your question is “No, you don’t need a car.” My D declined to take her car, and has no regrets. The streetcar will take you out to the restaurants, and downtown also. And as others have said, the campus area is compact and Audubon Park is right across the street. BUT, getting to Magazine Street or the WalMart will require a friend with a car.</p>
<p>Thanks for all the great answers. I’m more concerned about getting to just a simple convenience store, restaurants, etc. Just the normal places a college kid would want to go. I didn’t think the street cars were really a good option, but thanks for letting me know. Much obliged.</p>
<p>Street cars are cheeper too. I think it’s something like $2. Also, driving in New Orleans is a pain, and kinda scary sometimes. People just kind of make up their own traffic rules and drive really fast on small crowded streets. I only live about an hour or so away but won’t be bringing a car.</p>
<p>Streetcars are $1.25 (just visited with my daughter last week) and are very convenient for most things. Parking and driving in NO seemed a bit difficult so I wouldn’t think you would want a car. Freshmen are also not allowed to have a car on campus.</p>
<p>First of all, anechkakith is mistaken, finding parking on campus is not easy.</p>
<p>Second, freshman are not allowed to be issued parking permits or allowed to park on campus.</p>
<p>Finally, parking just outside of Tulane is as difficult as parking on campus.</p>
<p>No, you do not need a car. WIth the exception of one friend who lives off campus, none of my son’s friends have cars.</p>
<p>I also believe there are shuttles that are scheduled which run from campus to the malls, etc so that you can visit shopping centers and return via shuttle with items purchased.</p>
<p>Really? I know a freshman who parks on campus without problems. I’ll have to ask him about it.</p>
<p>“I know a freshman who parks on campus without problems.”</p>
<p>Yes, and I know freshmen who drink without problems. But if one is at all concerned with normal conventions …</p>
<p>From: [Tulane</a> Admission: Chat with President Cowen](<a href=“http://admission.tulane.edu/president/livechat031507.php]Tulane”>http://admission.tulane.edu/president/livechat031507.php)</p>
<p>Question: Are freshman allowed to have cars on campus? Or is there even a need? </p>
<p>President Cowen: They are not allowed to have cars on campus, and there really is not a need for them to. Virtually everything they need is within walking distance, and we have shuttle service to stores and other places they need to go. We have entertainment and shopping shuttles that transport students every weekend.</p>
<p>lots of helpful answers, much appreciated everyone!</p>
<p>Once you have enough hours, including AP and dual enrollment, you will have sophomore standing. Once you have sophomore standing, you get the sophomre privileges like having a car on campus.</p>
<p>The way it worked two years ago - during the first semester the freshman were notified by their advisors of the credits Tulane had awarded them for their AP tests and dual enrollment classes and what their standing was and what benefits they had. Up until then, we though that she would have to wait until sophomore year to take her car. At that time many of the freshman had earned sophomore standing. When my daughter went back to Tulane for the second semester she took her car and was able to get a parking permit.</p>