Getting calls?

<p>Anyone get many calls from WashU lately?? I've gotten at least two...</p>

<p>not even one here.. well but do you live in the states? cause that might explain why i wldnt be recieveing calls anytime soon. ^^</p>

<p>right that might make a difference!</p>

<p>perhaps... but i haven't been getting any phone calls, and i live in Illinois.</p>

<p>Are your calls to ask you how're your doing? Or are they related to the multicultural event?</p>

<p>hm... looks like no one else is, that's odd. No, they're jsut if i have questions about WashU and that they really want me to go and I should sign up right away adn visit. One was an alumni parent and the other was my interviewer. That's odd, i'll see if anyone responds in the next few days...</p>

<p>Hmm...i got those for colgate. never interviewed for washu</p>

<p>I just got a call from this guy who interviewed me, and it was really weird because someone from CMU called me just like 10 min before that</p>

<p>I got a call from an admission officer, I also got an e-mail like that from this architecture prof in NYU like a long time ago.</p>

<p>are these from wustl?</p>

<p>the first one was from WUSTLE</p>

<p>He was called about 2 weeks ago. The student wanted to know if he was going to enroll in the summer courses, since he had requested the brochure. My son said he might enroll if the LEAD program rejects him (Oops..he probably shouldn't have worded it that way)....But, LEAD accepted him.</p>

<p>My D received calls from a couple of students and two calls from a professor...</p>