Getting from class to class

<p>I'm a freshman heading to VT next year; and I'm just looking at my schedule and see I have my ECON class end at 11:00 at the Graduate Life Service Center, than my next class for Chemistry starts at 11:15 in the Hahn North Wing; is this 15 minute window large enough to get across campus? Here's a link to a map if it'll help anyone.</p>

<p>Campus</a> Maps and More | Virginia Tech Home | Virginia Tech</p>

<p>Ouch, that’s pretty much the furthest two classes can be apart. If you bring a bike you’ll be fine. You can also make it walking, but you’ll have to walk kind of quick. I used to make it from Barringer (dorm on the bottom right corner of campus) to Hahn (back when it was called ChemP) in 15 minutes, but sometimes it was tight.</p>

<p>Going from the Graduate Life Center to Hahn isn’t too bad, and definitely doable in 15 minutes. On the other hand, going from Litton-Reaves to Surge is not going to happen without a bike or running part way.</p>

<p>Certain buses will drop you off in front of Litton Reeves, Sometimes I’d get on a bus heading up toward washington st. in front of Burruss a minute before the bus leaves and its faster than walking if you time it right. </p>

<p>As for GLC to Hahn, just be prepared to walk straight there across the drill field with no bathroom breaks or social chatting, ect.</p>

<p>Kk, thanks guys, and them chem. course is kinda locked in since I’m in the Bio themed housing, not that any class would be open for me to switch out of anyway; so switching to a new class time wasn’t an option.</p>

<p>You know the first week of classes of every semester, you can drop/add courses. A lot of students drop/add courses the first week so sometimes it can be competitive depending on the course, class size, number of sections ect. Actually come to think of it I’ll have to switch up most of my courses myself this fall. Anyway, If there are a lot of open sections in different buildings for you particular Chemistry course you could try switching to a different section at a different time if it’s in a closer building. It’s worth taking a look. If you decide to do so, best bet is to log on right at 12:01A.M. or the minute after it opens and switch in and keep refreshing the browser to update whether a particular course section/time is open or not. You’ll figure this out eventually. However I think you could make it from the GLC to hahn in 15 minutes. If I can drive 2 miles to campus, find parking, and get to my class in under 15 min I’m sure you can walk 1000 yards in 15 min.</p>

<p>Litton Reaves to Surge would be pretty nasty. I wouldn’t bank on the bus because it can be erratic and you can definitely make every walk that your schedule will give you.</p>

<p>You’ll figure out when good times to eat are based on your schedule, but I would try to figure that out sooner than later. I was usually on the academic side for long periods at a time during a few days of the week and the last thing you want is an energy crash because you’re starving. Big ups to naps in the GBJ (Johnson Student center): there’s a room on the top floor that’s usually empty with couches and it’s not as ‘loud’ as the main area where everyone works.</p>

<p>That comes to mind, I’m taking a class now in Mcbryde and they just started closing off the area for construction of a new dinning facility behind Mcbryde and next to the ICTAS building.</p>

<p>[Academic-Dining</a> and Student Affairs - University Planning Design and Construction Wiki](<a href=“]Academic-Dining”></p>

<p>Unfortunately it’ll be 2 years until it opens but it looks like they will be adding more places to eat on the academic side of campus in the coming years which is a good thing.</p>