Getting In-State Tuition, Out of State?

<p>Hi all,</p>

<p>My friend told me that I might be able to get in state tuition at UW Madison even though I live out of state (IL), because a close relative of mine works in the engineering department at UW Madison. Is this true?</p>


<p>Probably not, unless your relative can claim you as a dependent on their taxes, and can do so for the entire year before you would go to UW. That’s how I got in-state tuition, since I lived with my mother in Florida all during high school, but my dad lives in Wisconsin. I just had him put me as a dependent on his taxes (even though I didn’t live with him at the time) and then I was considered a resident for tuition purposes.</p>

<p>Not going to happen. No such perks for employees. Your parent(s) would need to live in Wisconsin for 12 months before school starts. RoxSox had a parent in WI. It is too late for you to disrupt your family just so you can be a WI resident. btw- you would need to live in WI and work full time to be able to claim residency on your own for a year- incompatible with the college life you want UW for. They know people would love to save money so they have strict rules, hard for families with legitimate reasons for relocating. No moving in with the relatives for instate support, either.</p>

<p>Thanks! I have no plans of moving to wisconsin (I’m a junior), I was just wondering about the possibility of in state tuition.</p>

<p>re: “No moving in with the relatives for instate support”</p>

<p>move in and get them to be your legal guardian, but a time consuming and expensive venture.</p>

<p>Are we trying to game the system here?</p>

<p>At Soar’s parents’ financial information session, a parent from Illinois asked the speaker if he thought reciprocity would be possilbe for Illinois at some point. After a pause, the speaker said “Not in my lifetime”.</p>

<p>There are many Wisconsin residents who choose U of Minnesota instead of UW-Madison, and Minnesota residents doing the converse (or other public colleges in either state). However, the overwhelming flow of students would be from Illinois to Wisconsin with relatively few choosing U of Illinois. No significant benefits to our state residents and significant OOS tuition losses. Gotta find more exciting cornfields…</p>

<p>Yup would never work. However as state aid per instate student falls it might be time to revisit the instate out of state ratios with an eye to more out of state.</p>