Getting in?

<p>These are my current academic standings and also extracurricular activities i have joined this summer and plan to stay committed to throughout my senior year...</p>

<p>what are my chances of being accepted into TCU or what can i do to improve my chances? </p>

<p>GPA;(4.0scale): 3.4
SAT: 1500 (im retaking it in oct, my goal is 1700, fingers crossed!)
AP CLASSES: world history,english 3, biology 2, spanish 4, economics
HONORS CLASSES: biology 1,chemistry
DUAL CREDIT:english 4
*JV track- pole vault(10,11) 400m(11)
*Varsity track- 400m(12) 3200m(12)
*Varsity Cross Country (11,12)
*AVID-college prep club (11,12)
*FFA- very active member:skills team(9,10,11,12) horse judging team(10,12), county fair participant(10,11,12), ag classes(9,10,11,12)<br>
*Interact club(10)
*Spanish NHS(12)
*YES club- community service club(9,10,12)
*MPA medial professionals of america(12)
*Keep Sugar Land Beautiful Organization
*100 volunteer hours
*Currently working at Local pet hospital</p>

<p>You’re in. Don’t worry.</p>